Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] new " in BNC.

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1 We were anxious to preserve total secrecy on the new product to protect our legal rights .
2 When Picasso 's art became truly Cubist , in 1909 , he had begun to see solid forms in a new pictorial way , without the aid of linear or mathematical perspective .
3 Employers can still set up ‘ top-up ’ pension schemes to provide additional benefits above the new ceiling but such schemes are now taxable .
4 BELFAST restaurateurs Paul and Jeanne Rankin are set to find UK-wide fame with a new network TV series .
5 These latter had to go to provide matching bricks for the new rooms and the space needed for the next stage in the expansion , a new Gymnasium beside the 1962 Pavilion .
6 SHORTLY after the Russians invaded , the famous Barrandov Studios , in which so many world-class directors had worked , were to be used for the making of a film called Factory Of Illusions , in which a young and idealistic graduate of the Film Academy arrives to find well-known film-makers of the New Wave drinking and whoring instead of making films , and almost succumbs to counter-revolution himself .
7 It is planned to establish close links between the new Institute and universities , particularly in the north , with whom discussions have already taken place .
8 One of his last acts , two days before his death from prostate cancer , was to accept formal leadership of a new political party after his own had sacked him .
9 We can not afford to overlook the cruel irony enacted by the racist regime of freeing one generation of fighters from the sixties and seventies , while proceeding to serve long sentences on a new generation of fighters of the eighties .
10 WWF members and supporters were amongst the first to receive full details of the new card .
11 The short pilgrimage from town to the martyr 's tomb in the suburban cemetery and the longer routes to the shrines of apostles or of the Holy Land interlocked to create a nexus of sacred topography ; pilgrims ' tales , literary accounts , guides , and itineraries helped to familiarize Western Christians with a new religious ordering of space .
12 Teenagers have the chance to learn to play outdoor bowls with a new season of courses organised by Hartlepool Council .
13 My officials have met representatives of the local education authorities to discuss various aspects of the new proposals and there has also been correspondence with the Department .
14 Large areas of land will be reclaimed to accommodate major developments including a new international airport , and offshore sand and gravel deposits are being sought as a source of fill material .
15 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
16 To give additional light to the new upper-level sitting room , it was decided to insert a group of three fixed windows in the south elevation above an existing opening ( Plate 9 ) and in the north elevation two similar openings were added .
17 Who would think it sane to use nuclear weapons against a new Hitler ?
18 In common with the best of our competitors , Sainsbury 's have made it their policy to incorporate on-site bakeries into every new store opening , as well as adding them into many existing locations .
19 Elites which wish to manage the dilemma — they can not transcend it — must learn how to play off the various sub-organizations against one another , how to trigger particular programmes within the sub-organizations , repertoires ( Allison , 1971 , p. 87 ) and how to trigger existing routines in a new context .
20 2 Selected senior and middle management and staff of their parent company who will be needed to manufacture vital components for the new equipment and also to support efforts to raise new finance for further research and development .
21 The six Presidents of the republics , meeting on June 6 , attempted to break the constitutional deadlock and to start formal negotiations on a new basis for the country 's institutions .
22 To expect SARFU to squeeze first-world profits from the new third-world South Africans , when the 1991 World Cup did n't achieve the expected profits — even from first-world venues — would , in my long held view , not only be unrealistic but immoral .
23 A firm believer that party politics has no place in local government , he was elected to represent Old Selkirk on the new regional council in 1974 as an independent , and served as vice-convener .
24 He had the same aim as all previous emperors — to control the papacy and to re-establish imperial rule in the new Papal State , in time no doubt aiming to unite Italy and Sicily under his imperial crown .
25 It also created new markets : the style was appropriated by hip young entrepreneurs and used to shift new products to the new drug subculture .
26 The ambassadors of France , the United States and Zaïre on Dec. 12 reportedly committed their countries to maintain friendly relations with the new government .
27 NIAPA , the small farmers ' organisation , has advised producers to pay careful attention to the new IACS forms which have to be filled in and returned before May 15 .
28 Mr Clark and Mr Chrétien may indeed contrive to rebuild national unity on a new set of compromises .
29 Zou promised that China would do " its share " to raise Sino-Japanese relations to a new level .
30 These drills are used to master difficult distinctions in the new language , and therefore two sounds are involved .
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