Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The question is whether competition policy is seeking to raise the welfare of a particular economy , or whether it should be used as an instrument to promote economic efficiency at a supranational ( or even international ) level .
2 Its RTnet-OSI V 3.0 networking software suite has been enhanced to include expanded support for a larger number of X25 wide area and Ethernet local area connections .
3 When Picasso 's art became truly Cubist , in 1909 , he had begun to see solid forms in a new pictorial way , without the aid of linear or mathematical perspective .
4 Intended to support economic reforms over a 10-month period , the credit would be issued in four tranches .
5 We must expand the breadth of political argument if we are to claim political integrity as a distinct ideal on its own .
6 There are plenty of examples in English criminal law of crimes which appear to include harmful consequences as a definitional element irrespective of any actual state of mind referable thereto : s. 47 , Offences Against the Person Act 1861 ; s. 51 ( 1 ) , Police Act 1964 ; s .
7 Employers in general appeared to see ageing people as a national responsibility rather than as their immediate concern .
8 The Institute will continue to issue pro-forma records on an annual basis .
9 The commission failed to support French demands for a 30 per cent higher minimum prices for imported fish .
10 My treatment of intonation is based on the belief that foreign learners of English at advanced levels who may use this course should be given training to make them better able to recognise and copy English intonation ; the only really efficient way to learn to use the intonation of a language is the way a child acquires the intonation of its first language , and the training referred to above should help the adult learner of English to acquire English intonation in a similar ( though much slower ) way — through listening to and talking to English speakers .
11 Essentially Cockburn updates Marx 's idea that the state acts as an ‘ executive of the bourgeoisie ’ , to include social reproduction as an important concern of the state and ideology as an important dimension of domination by the state .
12 At Wroxeter , as early as 1912 , Bushe-Fox clearly appreciated the need to arrange coarse pottery in a dated sequence .
13 Apart from the current pressures from Central Government not to build or replace residential homes but to rely more heavily on the private and voluntary sector and housing associations , they are also being pressed to see Residential Care as a positive choice ( Wagner Report 1987 ) , to see the residential home as a community resource by providing more flexible patterns , respite , short-term and long term care and extended day care .
14 Negotiations on June 2 in Moscow between the Russian and Moldovan Foreign Ministers agreed to establish working groups for a negotiated settlement .
15 A jetpack that allows our hero to fly , and a pair of bionic legs that give Steg the power to leap tall buildings with a single bound and super-slug speed-ups are scattered around .
16 A section of the Education Bill prevents school library services from offering their facilities to grant maintained schools after a two year period .
17 It was one thing in the 1830s and the 1930s to provide luxuries for a minority , but it was quite a different thing to provide non-essential products at a competitive price for the whole population .
18 Gates refused to tender his resignation on the grounds that his 8,300 members were depending on him to provide strong leadership in a difficult situation ( The Guardian , 4 April 1991 ) .
19 As such people may well be school governors it may be best to preface specific arguments with a brief exposition of modern developments in the teaching of history .
20 We are not convinced that just because large quantities of potential secondary materials are present in the North Wales region , they can be used to meet unsustainable demand at an acceptable environmental cost .
21 We are not convinced that just because large quantities of potential secondary materials are present in the North Wales region , they can be used to meet unsustainable demand at an acceptable environmental cost .
22 These asci develop in elongate , hollow structures called perithecia , and in order to establish proper contact with a potential host , the ascospores are oriented within the perithecium in a precise manner .
23 Fifteen per cent to meet public requirements at a central level in the territory of the aforementioned Länder …
24 On Nov. 15 the Senate approved by 91 votes to two , and Bush signed into law , a compromise agreement to provide extended benefits to an estimated 3,000,000 unemployed workers .
25 Years ago it was common to graft different varieties onto a single tree trunk .
26 ‘ Notwithstanding all these problems , the bank has kept faith with us in the face of the single most important failing of small business — the failure to provide adequate information on a timely basis , ’ he says .
27 From the Second World War the percentage of local government income derived from grants increased steadily and although the proportion began to fall during the 1980s ( as a result of public expenditure restraint policies ) it is still sufficient to provide central government with a powerful instrument for influencing local authorities .
28 Whilst experience of handling data from biological experiments is desirable , an ability to learn a new area of science and to communicate quantitative ideas to a general scientific audience is essential .
29 Oakeshott 's rejection of any attempts to found civil association on a legitimizing principle is a critical aspect of his theory .
30 He saw it now as his mission to establish similar normality in a barbarous land .
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