Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [noun pl] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
2 ‘ Goodbye ’ will also feature on the band 's second album , as yet untitled , expected to hit the shops at the end of October .
3 Omar said the group of people , mostly men , rushed towards the stones and began to hurl the rocks at the woman .
4 During August he received a commission to attend the defences at the mouth of the Thames and an appointment as a Judge of Assize .
5 He had built up a reputation as an idle scamp but now he was transformed into a model of industry , delivering papers in the mornings , digging people 's gardens , helping to drive the beasts at the auction mart .
6 ‘ In that case , we ask them to write the cards at the time of order , and we store them in here , ’ she explained a little breathlessly , but with obvious pride .
7 Remember to adjust the straps at the beginning and the end of the season to accommodate either bare feet or boots .
8 The Society 's efforts to prosecute the ringleaders at the Lincoln Assizes in 1837 further increased the mob 's passion .
9 It also has the effect of raising the back edge so as to hide the joints at the bottom and provide a start for the graceful curve down from the top edge .
10 Fletcher had needed all his diplomatic flair to unscramble the arrangements at the hotel and have the luggage brought out to the car .
11 Or what about the Bosporus ; the last traditional boat used to umpire the races at the regatta .
12 Why had no attempt been made to arrest the kidnappers at the handover ?
13 It was impossible to extend it to the front of the Villa without blasting the cliffs and destroying exquisite country , but quite possible to reach the gates at the rear of the park .
14 Whether they will be able to sell the houses at the end of it , is another matter .
15 When the houses are complete , the builders and their families will be able to buy the homes at a 25pc discount .
16 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
17 It is a massive redistribution of wealth from one owner ( the Government , on behalf of everyone in the country ) to a much narrower segment of the population ( the 4 to 5 million likely to take up the offer ) who will be able to buy the assets at a discount .
18 To play the pull-offs at the start of the solo requires some practice .
19 When the bell sounded and the ghost figures pitched from the huts to form the lines at the Kitchen , he remained , his attention held all the time by the upper strands of wire and the topmost line of the wooden knee .
20 But we are in no doubt that , if the electorate fails to pardon the Conservatives at the polls today , it will pay a price at the hands of a Labour government , perhaps sustained by the Liberal Democrats , which will set back this country a generation .
21 Ann ( 4.4 ) was asked to tidy the prams at the end of the day , i.e. give each pram one pillow , one sheet , one blanket , one doll .
22 Hey we 're going out and be , we we 're going to have them build us one , I mean er my intention is I might get Stuart or somebody to put the bricks at the bottom .
23 You ca n't put standards or Bosses with Squig units because the Squigs tend to eat them , or you have to put the Bosses at the back where they ca n't do anything .
24 Be sure to do the bits at the ends of the chapters .
25 She taught him to read the words at the top of the page .
26 Unable to continue , she gestured to Ellen to fasten the ties at the back of her gown .
27 A safe distance from shore all sails were set and , with the last anchor hauled in , the mizzen and foresails were backed — the crew hanging far out over the deep-blue water to keep the booms at an angle that would force her bows around towards the south so that her mainsails could fill .
28 Anxious to keep the Syrians at the negotiating table for the Middle East peace talks , the West would also discourage such action , Western diplomatic sources said .
29 And judging by their weekend clash in the first round of the Cawoods Steel and Sons Cup there could well be as little to separate the teams at the end of the season as there is at present .
30 Twentieth Century-Fox musicals of the '40s were expertly wrapped lighthearted packages — just the thing to send the troops at the front — and Lynn Bari was invariably one of the prettiest ingredients .
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