Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] him [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would n't be wise to communicate with him in the usual way while he 's there . ’
2 I was put to work with him on the same bench and he not only taught me toolmaking , he also taught me about the trade union movement and the kind of society he wanted to see . ’
3 This special tribute in WWF News attempts , however inadequately , to give WWF supporters and staff a picture of what Peter 's many qualities and leadership skills meant to some of those who have been privileged to work with him in a great adventure .
4 He has always had a high reputation in England and the Covent Garden Orchestra were obviously eager to work with him in the 1950s .
5 His most effective action so far has been to deflect the corruption allegations by recruiting Spain 's ‘ Mr Clean ’ to stand alongside him as a Socialist candidate .
6 Early in February 1726 Montrose instructed his commissioner in Scotland to organise his friends to support the plan of a reduction in emoluments for the collector , believing that this would discourage the new candidates and ensure Kirkton 's re-election , for the duke was determined ‘ to stand by him upon the above terms , I mean of a smaller sellary for the future ’ .
7 Cup in hand , she was about to sit opposite him at the small kitchen table , but the unwelcoming look in his deep blue eyes changed her mind , and she wandered aimlessly through to the living-room .
8 God raised us up with him to rule with him in the heavenly world .
9 I went to listen to him at the methodist church at er Newark about Oh quite a few years when
10 Just to talk to him for a few minutes …
11 It took many months more for me to feel safe enough to talk to him about The Fat Controller , but there came a time , when the memory of our last vertiginous encounter had dimmed , that I became prepared to risk it .
12 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
13 It may therefore be necessary to proceed against him under the latter section , supposing that the requisite intention can be established , or under section 5 .
14 The latter readily agreed , inviting Corbett to walk with him in the silent , shadowy cloisters , taking advantage of the first soft breezes of early summer .
15 No-one could label him ‘ collaborator ’ , and a wide spectrum of the population began to look to him in the chaotic aftermath of the Japanese defeat .
16 It is quite wrong to look at him as a marginal or failed artist , a tragic case , like his country of Bengal , even though he himself sometimes seemed to see things this way .
17 Vernon , 18 , hero of non-League Bath City 's FA Cup win over Cardiff , is on trial with Saints and manager Ian Branfoot wants to look at him in a reserve game .
18 A lot of humans had been in to look at him in the last few minutes .
19 ‘ Steady on there , ’ her companion said and as she looked round to smile at him in the fragmented night-sun that was the wheel she saw Gabriel working at the barbecue .
20 When they had carried him into his cage that afternoon and taken him out of the carrier box in which he had journeyed for so long , he had hardly dared to look around him at the other cages .
21 I used to go with him as a little boy .
22 It is a wonderful experience to sit with him in the quiet peacefulness of his home , the table cleared ( in addition to having had the house duly cleaned by his ‘ daily ’ ) to make room for the Sabbath candles , its bread and wine .
23 Forlani , 66 , had on May 17 withdrawn his candidacy for the presidency after up to 60 members of parties participating in the former ruling coalition , including many DC deputies , had failed to vote for him in the fifth , sixth and seventh rounds .
24 What on earth has it got to do with him in the first place ?
25 She could n't face seeing that realisation in his eyes , for the sake of her own sanity had to get away — had to flee from him for a second time .
26 ‘ Now I want to share with him from the earliest moments the joy , the vindication , the victory after all that we have gone through together . ’
27 If Amaranth was not going to be accepted as the candidate , and if she refused to co-operate with him over the new motorway , and if she rejected his amorous advances , what was the point of pursuing her ?
28 I have not met the one in possession of my estate , and maybe never will , but I like to think of him as a kindly , white-haired old gentleman with a twinkle in his eye and a bag of humbugs for passing children , a man who has seen the troubles of the world but who remains untainted .
29 Although Alexander lent his authority to domestic reforms , it is unwise to think of him as a daring pilot in extremity .
30 Jazz 's target was to stay with him for the full four minutes .
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