Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] his [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ENGLAND new boy Les Ferdinand has Ray Wilkins 's nagging to thank for his call-up for the Turkey match later this month .
2 One day Mr Brownlow asked him to come to his study for a little talk .
3 BOXING / Swift fits in boxing around work while Richardson quits job in his bid for gold medal Boxing MIDDLESBROUGH light-welterweight Peter Richardson is quitting his job for four months to concentrate on his bid for an Olympic medal .
4 If she did n't make a stand now he would expect her to jump to his bidding for the rest of the voyage .
5 The addition was believed to relate to his passion for the music of the 1960s protest singer .
6 Recording Studios — an outfit Bunny and I had actually done some backtrack recording for when they wanted a sound they could n't synthesize — and that it was vital that I contact Mr Warren immediately to consult on his availability for a major recording contract , and which pub was he in anyway ?
7 Cos Grant 's gone off to play with his computer for a few minutes .
8 Then he got me and two more drivers to go into his room for a hand of pontoon .
9 I think it 's partly to do with his admiration for the language , and also his background as both a reported and a writer . ’
10 It should be something useful for setting up home , if only a rather expensive bottle-opener , possibly with other small mementoes of his favourite bachelor activities or sport such as golf balls , presented inside something amusing and clearly feminine but not in bad taste , such as a pair of stockings , with a blue garter for him to give to his bride for the wedding so that she can wear ‘ something borrowed , something blue , .
11 He told conference delegates he had been asked by the BNFL board and the Government to continue in his post for a short period after March 31 as his successor — John Guinness , currently Permanent Secretary in the DoE — could not easily be released from that post until after the general election .
12 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
13 Applying both trust and agency principles , the court concluded that an insider who traded on the basis of material nonpublic information was liable to account to his corporation for the profits .
14 Closing his eyes , he forced himself to think of his hatred for the colonial French .
15 The New Hampshire result ensured that the challenge of Buchanan would be maintained at least into March , and increased the growing belief that Bush — despite having recorded popular approval ratings of up to 90 per cent in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf war — was vulnerable to defeat in his bid for a second presidential term .
16 Throughout the autumn and winter he suffered from feverish colds and attacks of bronchitis , and was often forced to take to his bed for a week or fortnight at a time .
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