Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the same [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 It argued that public-sector resources were substantial , ‘ but efforts need to be pulled together more effectively , and brought to bear in the same place at the same time ’ ( ibid .
2 While it is certainly true that the central core never issued a single agreed programme , a considerable degree of cohesion does emerge from an examination of their critical writings , and an impression of shared novelistic values is suggested by their willingness ( to a greater or lesser extent ) to appear on the same platform at conferences on several occasions and to accept , however grudgingly , the ‘ nouveau roman ’ appellation .
3 In the final week , however , Waverley and Eildon are expected to appear on the same platform at public meetings .
4 And then there 're the classic multi-user applications , like sales order processing , where different users have to work on the same file at the same time .
5 We both had large appetites and although we tried to get on the same table at mealtimes so that we could monopolise the food , we were permanently hungry .
6 But if , by sheer coincidence , all the molecules just happened to move in the same direction at the same moment , the hand would move .
7 This can be reduced by diversifying , in particular to achieve a mix of assets whose values would not all be expected to move in the same direction at once .
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