Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 He was asked at the Dec. 30 meeting to continue for the two months while new structures were elaborated .
2 The best way to prepare for this is to work through the same processes as historians working with a wide range of documents .
3 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
4 The closest analogy I can think of is that it is very much like fishing , you never know what you are going to catch , you have to pull in the small ones when you are hoping for the big one , but occasionally a big one comes along when you least expect it .
5 If some clarity of purpose and coherence of action is to take the place of this drift , the ideas and energy ought to come from the political parties because , in theory , they are supposed to provide the driving force in political development .
6 The 16-point plan presented by the rebels at this meeting had been rejected by the government , but on Oct. 15 Chissano announced that MNR rebels would be allowed to stand in the 1991 elections if they renounced violence and laid down their arms .
7 At the end of the hut a boy waited , sitting hunched on an upper bunk , for darkness to come to the living quarters because then he could go to the mattress of the man who loved him …
8 It was a tense match with not much to choose between the two sides until Scotland scored the first try near the end of the first half .
9 The possibility exists then to discriminate between the two models if there is a break in the process determining Y t ; that is , if there is what is called a regime break , a break in the process about which expectations are being formed .
10 If returners are to be able to comply with the desired outcomes as defined by the UKCC 's guidelines then the course offered would have to satisfy requirements set out in Table 4.2 .
11 The legal recognition of corporate character may be obtained either by a charter from the Crown , as in the case of most of our older corporations , like the Hudson 's Bay Company , some universities and their colleges , as well as of some more recent ones ; or directly by means of an incorporating Act of parliament , as in the case of certain public utilities ; or indirectly through an Act of Parliament like the Companies Act 1948 ( which has been amended by several later Acts of the same name , and consolidated by the Companies Act 1985 ) , which offers corporate character to any number of persons ( usually not less than seven ) associated for a lawful object , who are willing to comply with the statutory requirements as to registration and otherwise .
12 He concluded by telling Scott that there was no need to hurry with the revised elevations as he would only be asking Parliament to vote sufficient for the foundations during the present session .
13 People used to bash on the closed doors if they could n't get in . ’
14 If someone is going to put off a lot of their own money in order to get into parliament , we can , then we can hardly trust them to look to the general interests once they 're there , they 'll want a return on their investment of some sorts .
15 Aug. 16 US and UK citizens in Kuwait are ordered to surrender to the Iraqi authorities as " human shield " policy is launched .
16 A number of that 25-35 age range were brought in as one of two groups who had an opportunity to look at the various stages while the possible designs were still being examined .
17 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
18 But erm I I do n't , still do n't see from this how we 're going to look at the underlying systems because it 's the system that concerns me .
19 ‘ But when I pick her up from school I 'm not allowed to look around the other girls because I know her headmistress disapproves … ’
20 Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker has said he does not now believe it would be right to continue with the proposed closures because of the entirely unacceptable numbers of prisoners held in police cells .
21 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
22 He had to leave after the first rehearsals when the only line he could remember was the one he 'd tried on the leading lady the night before .
23 In the second example it may be that the person has to deal with the surrounding bereavements before she can clear the ground enough to look at what was probably the major one .
24 Among Tories , more than three times as many would want Mr Major to negotiate with the Liberal Democrats as with the Unionists .
25 and erm you 're looking , you 're , let's say you turn up looking at a screen , you 're actually standing up like they used to do in the old days before they had radar
26 Many bureaux make it policy to apologise to the waiting clients before they have a chance to complain .
27 ‘ In fact we did more to rationalize in the bad years than most companies in the field by closing down surplus plants and so on , ’ he continued .
28 Champions are not allowed to compete in the Open Classes as they do not need the points on offer .
29 In 1979 I went to the English Schools Championships for the first time , to run in the 200 metres for London .
30 The Oxford Regional Health Authority introduced ‘ the 80/20 rule , ’ under which fundholders agreed to contract for 80% of their hospital services budget in the first year to go to the same hospitals as in the preparatory year , leaving them free to move the remaining 20% if they so wished .
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