Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [verb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was dismayed when I woke up to the fact that the plan was not to wait or extend the building but to send twenty people and their children away to start another church .
2 ( d ) To acquire or undertake the whole or any part of the business , goodwill , and assets of any person , firm , or company carrying on or proposing to carry on the business or any part of the business which the Company is authorised to carry on and as part of the consideration for such acquisition to undertake all or any of the liabilities of such person , firm or company , or to acquire an interest in , amalgamate with , or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits , or for co-operation , or for mutual assistance with any such person , firm or company , or for subsidising or otherwise assisting any person , firm or company , and to give or accept by way of consideration for any of the acts or things aforesaid or property acquired , any shares , debentures , debenture stock or securities that may be agreed upon , and to hold and retain , or sell , mortgage and deal with any shares , debentures , debenture stock of securities so received .
3 ( d ) To acquire or undertake the whole or any part of the business , goodwill , and assets of any person , firm , or company carrying on or proposing to carry on the business or any part of the business which the Company is authorised to carry on and as part of the consideration for such acquisition to undertake all or any of the liabilities of such person , firm or company , or to acquire an interest in , amalgamate with , or enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits , or for co-operation , or for mutual assistance with any such person , firm or company , or for subsidising or otherwise assisting any person , firm or company , and to give or accept by way of consideration for any of the acts or things aforesaid or property acquired , any shares , debentures , debenture stock or securities that may be agreed upon , and to hold and retain , or sell , mortgage and deal with any shares , debentures , debenture stock of securities so received .
4 9.3 Covenants relating to adjoining Premises Nothing contained in or implied by this Lease shall give the Tenant the benefit of or the right to enforce or to prevent the release or modification of any covenant agreement or condition entered into by any tenant of the Landlord in respect of any property not comprised in this Lease Tenants have very limited rights to enforce covenants against each other .
5 Managers at the Landing Gear factory have so far refused to confirm or deny the report that up to two hundred jobs are to go .
6 The violent citizens sought to kill or abduct the Pope when Barbarossa refused to pay them an immense bribe .
7 He remembers hearing it said that each man in one gang at least vowed to kill or disable the keepers if they attempted to thwart their attacks on the game .
8 The General Board shall have power to accept or refuse the application and , if it accepts it , to determine , in consultation with the professor concerned , the number of students whose names may be on the register at any one time and the method of their selection .
9 Finally , the process of comprehensive assessment includes the ability to identify strategies to meet or minimize the need and risk which have been assessed , to set objectives , to plan , and to define desired outcomes .
10 Their ability to contain or manage the conflict when this has threatened to engulf them as well as the regional contestants , for example in 1967 and 1973 , contrasts sharply with their inability to transact a peace process which transcends their own rivalry in order to resolve the conflict .
11 It is hoped that mines placed about 600ft below the new fissure will create depressions to contain or restrain the lava and disperse the flows into rivulets which could cool quickly , slowing it down .
12 Erm I 'd liked to discuss the point about what aid we can give to try and promote the stability and the event of prosperity of the country .
13 yeah , she maybe does , but I think she 's trying to , to try and promote the fact that aids patients are harmless , because a lot of aids patients are very isolated , people do n't want to know them , they think you can catch it through shaking hands , drinking out the same cup and all that , and I think she 's trying to prove that look I 'm alright , so should you be , but she does go a bit over the top
14 Right erm I would just like to mention that it does n't say here that the A P C have set up er a separate er lobby group erm on which I have the honour to be a member with Patrick er to try and influence the MPs because one of the things which er is coming out and it 's it 's actually shown in paragraph three point three A at the bottom , the questioning whether the demand should be necessarily met or whether in fact , and this links to the government 's present erm reluctance to direct airlines to work from current unused capacity for example at , at erm at Luton and I think that there may well be some pressure put that er we should try and change that .
15 Essentially the approach has been to try and identify the factors or characteristics that are associated with cases or situations of abuse , to assume that these are qualitatively different from the rest of the population and finally to hypothesize that these factors or characteristics in some way relate to the basic cause(s) of the problem .
16 It lodged in my mind to try and answer the question as to whether there was something special about the depiction of angels in post-conquest art , and if so , what it could be .
17 if it starts to snow or hailstone , or pour down I want to try and carry the umbrella and it 's very difficult
18 And one of the things that archaeologists do all their time is try by looking at the evidence , whether it 's stuff that comes from the ground , landscapes or old buildings , to try and understand the changes that have happened through time , to see things that were there that have gone , and to work out what
19 Well we 're the study seminars can take place either at Sussex or overseas , and in fact our present policy is to try and increase the number that actually take place in the Third World , because we feel that that has a number of advantages .
20 The idea behind this policy was to try and expand the software and services side of ICL 's business , which has now grown to £600m a year .
21 And I do n't where I got I gave him quite a good sermon which I thought was y know quite erm to try and help the situation and he said I 'd give them er my conditions .
22 the Palladium — a cheap trick to try and convince the punters that they were in somewhere far classier than was really the case .
23 But , for the sake of your own well-being , it would be best to try and reduce the number that you have in the course of the day .
24 The pilot 's left hand should be on the airbrake lever during any climb in cloud , ready to pull and open the airbrakes if the speed increases by more than 15 knots or so above normal .
25 Its travelling lecturers were required to accept and transmit the proposition that slavery was ‘ a crime in the sight of God and ought to be immediately and forever abolished ’ .
26 Somehow these hints of vulnerability seemed to make her more attractive still , more likely to accept and understand the needs and fallibilities of others .
27 His two brothers both died with smallpox cos one was , they all three went to Wolverhampton Grammar School and they were a Wednesbury family and they died with the smallpox but I thought they were putting the youngest which was my grandfather for the best trai one was going in for law and the other was going in for medicine , and the youngest was go which was the same as engineering is today I suppose , and he went into the gun trade , and I can remember him , he was a grand old chap and er he used to come and bring the springs that he 'd made and to temper them he used to throw them in the kitchen fire , and they 'd die out and get them all out of the ashes in the morning , and he used to take his week 's work in his waistcoat pockets and his day out was to get on the tram at the Brown Lion , and go straight through Wednesbury and right through West Bromwich up to the Constitutional in Birmingham to Greeners or Wembley and Scotts and he 'd got these gun locks as he 'd made during the week in his waistcoat pockets .
28 No , cos Sandra 's got a little puppy she said oh I 'd like you to come and see the cottage and er my puppy .
29 The obvious answer to all this may seem to be a separate crew to work and clean the ship and a team of specialists for the revenue work .
30 She sat on the corner of the old sofa with her legs folded under her and stared at the window , willing the oil lamp not to sputter and distort the sounds that belonged to the night : the true night that lay outside in the garden and the valley and held dominion over the hills .
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