Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 to restore or create a regular toileting regime .
2 It is an offence to demolish or to alter a listed building unless listed building consent has been obtained .
3 Thus evaluation can be used for decisions about whether to continue or terminate a given course , about the modification necessary for an existing programme , about the use of various teaching methods to achieve a pre-specified goal , or about the adoption of an innovation .
4 Indeed she was afraid to plan or picture a different future of any kind .
5 It would equally be an offence to seek to bribe a Member in order to persuade him to support or oppose a particular measure , although the boundaries here are hard to define .
6 For them the demand to draft or revise a long story would be wholly inappropriate .
7 Large firms generally face a choice between making components and other intermediate products themselves , or buying in from outside — in other words , a decision whether to internalize or externalize a particular stage of production .
8 They are particularly disposed to frighten or harm a wicked child ; a well-behaved one is less at risk .
9 Dowty shareholders must decide by noon whether to accept or reject a hostile bid from the engineering firm TI .
10 Moreover , to the extent that in order to establish or preserve a just government a qualified recognition of authority is necessary , such recognition in itself , independently of consent , is sufficient to establish a suitably qualified obligation to obey .
11 Although perhaps rather few people rely on their relatives for regular financial support , many people go through times in their lives when such support is important to their capacity to establish or maintain a particular life style .
12 With the increased vigilance of our officers at seaports and airports and the need to import large consignments of drugs to feed the growing habit of users the obvious answer was to charter or buy a small craft capable of long sea voyages .
13 One can therefore say that the courts retain the power to read statutes in the light of general principles , the only question being whether the particular court will be able to find or invent a general principle that will enable it to give a sensible effect to the statute .
14 A national court which is called upon … to apply provisions of Community law is under a duty to give full effect to those provisions , if necessary refusing of its own motion to apply any conflicting provisions of national legislation , even if adopted subsequently , and it is not necessary for the court to request or await a prior setting aside of such provisions by legislative or constitutional means .
15 One classic er case that only occurred a few years ago and it was way before bonfire night , but erm , people working from home to try and make a little bit of pin money , a young lady had taken on the task of putting sparklers into five into a little bag for a particular manufacturer .
16 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
17 Two days later , Herzog invited Peres to try and form a new government , giving him three weeks in which to do so .
18 Well I think probably it was such a bad place , putting , come to try and show a little light , proper way to live and
19 If you take a facial expression anyone of the seven dwarfs and you want to try and give a dramatic idea how to present that face or that attitude to do it just by standing there without curtains opening on you and all that sort of thing it 's quite diffi , it 's quite difficult !
20 It is much simpler , cheaper and healthier to try and eat a high-fibre diet in the first place .
21 Now the doctor has to try and locate a suitable place to inject the blood .
22 Since then yet another Potato Marketing Board buying programme has begun , at £10 a tonne , simply to try and clear a major surplus of potatoes off the market .
23 On chemical weapons , all the principal elements were agreed , the basic position being that sufficient of each country 's stock would be destroyed to leave 5,000 tonnes , production of new weapons would cease and they would join forces to try and secure a global ban on such weapons .
24 Once again the trade unions working individually and through the trade unions for Labour pulled out all the stops to try and secure a Labour victory .
25 He says that he wo n't massage er the economic figures to try and create a pre-election boomlet , but then , he said that he would n't go into the E R M until inflation was falling and indeed was very near the level of our competitors , so I do n't think you can believe a word he says .
26 Er and we want to try and explain a little bit about tt how far we got in terms of achieving certification to I S O Nine Thousand .
27 The Group met three times during the year to try and ensure a balanced representation on the sixty or so committees .
28 But even if you are n't another Bowie or Elton John , you still need to try and develop an original style .
29 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
30 Where liability is admitted , or it is acknowledged that liability is likely to be established , then it may be sensible to try and agree an interim payment because it will probably be possible to secure a lower sum in interim damages than would be awarded by the Court if matters were so to proceed .
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