Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Third , people from other walks of life may be invited to support or participate in In-service training sessions run by the education authority or by individual Compact schools .
2 But it 's difficult , who should you look after — your solicitors who are trying to increase or break into criminal work or should you look after the client 's interests by giving him only solicitors who are already tried and tested .
3 For example , limitations on domestic heating during winter smogs could lead to the elderly suffering from hypothermia , and prohibitions on the use of private cars could increase exposure to outdoor pollution whilst walking to work or waiting for public transport .
4 It is in this setting that I want to try and talk about Moral Re-Armament .
5 There has always been this tendency over here to try and save on public spending , ’ says Professor Greve .
6 However , if you take characters like Lysander and Demetrius in A Midsummer-Night 's Dream , it 's obvious , even to me , that it would be ridiculous to try and look for complex psychology and motivation in them , you know .
7 However , if you take characters like Lysander and Demetrius in A Midsummer Night 's Dream , it 's obvious , even to me , that it would be ridiculous to try and look for complex psychology and motivation in them .
8 The history of Judaism provides an example of how an organised religion can completely fail to live up to its promises and yet be stubbornly adhered to , its followers being prepared to accept and support with blind acceptance , whatever excuses or explanations are offered for those failures by the hierarchy .
9 In short , not only does the user have a better time , the support desk gets far fewer calls to come and deal with apparent equipment failures .
10 The series is designed to inform and exemplify without mathematical wizardry , and is aimed at those who read scientific papers as well as those who write them .
11 2.1 It is widely recognised that English law is defective in failing to provide satisfactory machinery for the imposition on freehold land of positive obligations ( such as obligations to repair and to contribute to communal maintenance costs ) which can then be enforced against successors in title to the original owner of the land .
12 As indicated in paras 1.1. 5 and 6 above , the developments in European Studies and American Studies are expected to consolidate and build on existing research strengths in these fields .
13 They reject the role of helplessness and attempt to re-engage and integrate into religious ritual the energy of the feminine psyche .
14 The writer 's kitten is spending a lot of time , and not a little of his owner 's patience , in developing a set of skills specifically to enable him to find and to cope with living prey .
15 Each DHA would continue to be responsible to provide and pay for comprehensive care for its own resident population , but not for other people without current compensation .
16 Each DHA ( District Health Authority ) would continue to be responsible to provide and pay for comprehensive care for its own resident population .
17 She lifted her hand to her immaculate hair , causing the many bracelets along her wasted arm to clank and clatter like old dustbin lids .
18 This option enables you to inspect and respond to individual task mail .
19 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
20 listen to The Jam I might want to go and listen to fucking bit of heavy rock or something or bit of pop or something you know ?
21 ‘ I have two or three Alembics , which are lovely guitars — great in a studio if you have the time to sit and work with hi-tech electronics .
22 The classical recourse of the bourgeois in trouble or with cause for complaint was to exercise or ask for personal influence : to have a word with the mayor , the deputy , the minister , the old school or college comrade , the kinsman or business contact .
23 In Ostland the horde began to loot and destroy with customary Orc efficiency , crushing the spring crops underfoot and gorging themselves on the hard won stores of the local people .
24 The operator , which claims sixth place in the packaged holiday market , says the move is part of its intention to identify and cater for specific market segments .
25 Flesh folds to die for , convex cake-holes for budding Bardots — male and female — to puff and point in hot surrender or childish defiance .
26 Flesh folds to die for , convex cake-holes for budding Bardots — male and female — to puff and point in hot surrender or childish defiance .
27 Many were imprisoned and most suffered huge fines or the seizure of their lands ; the king 's friends often exploited the vulnerability of the Contrariants in order to plunder and pillage with virtual immunity to their own profit .
28 Once injected , the lattice of collagen fibres is gradually invaded by cells and blood vessels and so comes to look and feel like normal skin .
29 It is our commitment to providing customers with outstanding value for money , and our emphasis on quality , innovation and service , which allows the Group to grow and prosper in varying market conditions and in extremely competitive retail sectors .
30 In addition to , and apart from , susceptibilities built into some varieties of rose ( as a result of breeding for colour , habit , scent or whatever at the expense of vigour and resistance ) , growing conditions , cultivation and weather all have an important influence on the ability of the plants to withstand and ward off fungal attack .
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