Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] the [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Management would say nothing after the talks , but John Kydd , divisional organiser of the AEEU , said the company had effectively delivered an ultimatum to the union to accept virtually the same package as was rejected by sacked workers nearly two weeks ago or the factory could close .
2 Identification of polymer samples can be made by making use of the ‘ finger-print ’ region , where it is least likely for one polymer to exhibit exactly the same spectrum as another .
3 Ace was n't willing to trust Dubois further than she could throw him , since he seemed to use much the same methods as their enemies ; perhaps that meant he was no better than them .
4 A symmetric arms race is one between competitors trying to do roughly the same thing as each other .
5 It is orthodox doctrine that the Archbishop of York ought not to hold exactly the same opinions as the Archbishop of Canterbury .
6 Non-educational criteria almost invariably have priority in recruitment over educational ones and employers tend to have only the vaguest notions as to what particular qualifications entail or imply .
7 But she had an idea , from Cara 's remark about sending a card home , that her sister fully expected her to stay away the whole fortnight as planned .
8 But it is presumably these later criticisms , made long after his emancipation from Wagner , that inspired Elisabeth to explain away the Wagnerian connection as merely secondary ; while her claims about her brother 's real intention to produce a " large " book about Greece ( and nothing but Greece ) would seem to be prompted by a desire to enhance his scholarly image ; for no other kind of book ( she decided ) would have satisfied his " scholar 's conscience . "
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