Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The gauntlet was down , the opportunity to talk to arrange a forum , to come together , land owners , local authorities , the hunt 's people , er the interested parties , to come together and look for a decent way of hunting and that way is probably drag hunting and we 're giving you a golden opportunity to start that route .
2 Half past eight comes and it is time to stand outside and wait for the bus .
3 And just as those who are young feel the need to talk about and prepare for earlier important events , such as their wedding , or their children 's christenings , it is quite normal and not at all macabre for some old people to want to look ahead and plan for the ritual and display of family love and unity that will take place on the day of their departure from this world .
4 So there was nothing else to do then but head for the Vareyoc Café and try to relax .
5 The others will have to stay here and hope for the best .
6 In Chapman 's view , the foundation of Aston Villa 's long history of success was their ability to plan ahead and prepare for the departure of key players .
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