Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Inside , I was barely able to stand upright at the highest point , for I was head and shoulders taller than my sinister host ; and it did not escape my notice that the roof at its highest point was infested with cobwebs , in the corners of which sat large square spiders .
2 to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area , or
3 to pass ahead of the foremost part of a stationary vehicle on the same side of the crossing as the approaching vehicle , the stationary vehicle having stopped to accord precedence to a foot passenger
4 to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area ’ This phrase means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass ahead of a slower moving motor vehicle travelling in the same direction .
5 to pass ahead of the foremost part of a stationary vehicle on the same side of the crossing as the approaching vehicle , the stationary vehicle having stopped to accord precedence to a foot passenger ’ This phrase is the alternative offence to point number 6 and means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass a stationary vehicle as opposed to a moving motor vehicle in point 6 .
6 Each Holy One has , in turn , asked us to listen within to the purest guidance that is our entitlement .
7 and rowing for gold all this week will be the best oarsmen … young and old … from all over the world as the royal regatta takes off on the Thames at henley … we 'll be on the water tomorrow night to look ahead with the fastest school crew in the country
8 The pathologist and the Detective Sergeant had not been over-eager to react to his suggestion to go straight to the highest authority .
9 While it might be to your advantage to do so at the earliest opportunity , there is nevertheless no legal urgency for you to make the journey other than at your convenience .
10 Generally , however , anyone wishing to buy or sell listed shares will want to do so at the best price obtainable and for that purpose to use the facilities of The Stock Exchange instead of himself seeking out a willing counterparty .
11 Each month we have a pair of Saucony shoes to give away for the best letter on a running issue .
12 We 've got what amounts to a lifetime 's supply of Crystal Clear airline to give away to the best idea for making the most of your free filter matting .
13 Each month we have a pair of Saucony Shadow 5000 shoes to give away to the best letter on a running issue .
14 Even on the premier franchises , the marginal operator is likely to compete only at the best times while the franchisee is left to operate the full seven day service .
15 Companies therefore began to compete strongly for the best staff , wooing them with better salaries , conditions of work and career development opportunities .
16 Basically the same sentence turns up six times in succession — a phenomenon which might otherwise be thought to exist only in the worst kind of foreign language teaching drills .
17 The North , outplayed in all departments , were never going to score twice against the meanest defence in Group Six ( five clean sheets in succession ) and a third Republic goal , a 20-yarder from Ray Houghton , served only to improve their useful goal difference .
18 Better still , would be to think again about the best sort of accommodation for these sensitive areas .
19 Mandy is also a half sister to the hot young bull Singing Brook Ned Boy Mascot , tipped to feature prominently in the latest US sire rankings published later this month .
20 moral accountability , to act always in the best interests of their pupils ;
21 ‘ Independently of climbing over rocks and fallen stumps of trees , the sportsman has to creep and crawl beneath and among the branches with the utmost caution , taking care only to advance when the bird 's attention is occupied in singing , or in scratching up the leaves in search of food ; to watch its actions it is necessary to remain perfectly motionless , not venturing to move even in the slightest degree , or it vanishes from sight as if by magic …
22 Bartocci made Zen sound like a mad dog he was managing to restrain only with the greatest difficulty .
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