Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The fish tend to spawn all around the same time and pay attention to their own broods — equally the parents will see off any attempt by another pair to eat their brood .
2 The fact that the army and guerrillas had agreed to meet directly for the first time was seen as a breakthrough and a indication that " professional " elements in the army leadership wished for a political solution .
3 I was confident I could wear her down eventually , but I certainly never expected her to come across at the first time of asking .
4 By opening the way for military forces to serve overseas for the first time since 1945 , the Peace Keeping Operations ( PKO ) bill marked a significant shift in Japanese foreign policy .
5 The move came four months after the Diet had approved a law permitting Japanese forces to serve overseas for the first time since the end of the Pacific War [ see pp. 38962-63 ] , and followed a request from UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali .
6 ‘ The old adage is to promote harder during the difficult times , ’ admits Mr Bacon .
7 It was only when he was confronted by God , broken and forced to give up his pride , that he began to see clearly for the first time the vast difference between living a self-directed life and living for God .
8 Women are so utterly used to working with their own bodies : we are trained to do so from the first time we wear pink-for-a-girl , and a concentration upon the significations of our physicality is encouraged to a far greater extent than is the case with boys and men .
9 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
10 Some are showing how to do both at the same time
11 THE first Norwegian whalers have put to sea to hunt commercially for the first time since 1987 in defiance of a global moratorium .
12 Even on the premier franchises , the marginal operator is likely to compete only at the best times while the franchisee is left to operate the full seven day service .
13 It is difficult knowing how far to credit such stories in twelfth-century sources , although given that the Ramsey chronicle is recording the history of its own house , and that the Peterborough source refers to trouble there at the same time , it is reasonable to believe that trouble of some sort there was .
14 While we remember those involved in medical missionary work overseas , let us also remember those who are currently in training to go overseas for the first time .
15 ‘ We thought it was as good an excuse as any and we were all able to get away at the same time .
16 A further example of national information about which local managers were unable to act came with the expanding of the National Diploma level of BTEC in schools : when it was shown that there did not have to be an exclusive choice of BTEC and A levels and that to offer both at the same time was not only permissible but also helpful , the manager was able to make new local choices .
17 It seemed to be impossible to straighten both at the same time ) and thrust out his chest .
18 Hall , in fact , might well have won in straight games , as he led 9-6 in the opening game and then missed four successive smashes to allow Baddeley to go ahead for the first time at 10-9 .
19 Hall , in fact , might well have won in straight games , as he led 9-6 in the opening game and then missed four successive smashes to allow Baddeley to go ahead for the first time at 10-9 .
20 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
21 Any objective should be realistic or , in other words , possible to achieve successfully within the forecasted time span .
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