Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] at [art] time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We regret having to disturb you at a time when you are busy , but the matter is important . ’
2 If it did not exist , would anyone trouble to invent it at a time when , from the Atlantic to the Urals , socialism in all its manifestations is losing the argument to liberal capitalism ?
3 It is of little use to remember the answer to an examination question as you leave the room , or to say later with head in hands , " But I knew it so well " , surprised at your ability to remember it now but your inability to recall it at the time when you most needed it .
4 Will my hon. Friend pass to the National Audit Office the thanks of Parliament for its series of reports and ask whether it would be possible for us to have them at a time when Parliament is likely to be sitting rather than at one minute to midnight for the benefit of the press ?
5 Someone , in other words , who is likely to take silk , but likely to take it at a time sufficiently far in the future to give you a chance of stepping into part of his practice as a junior .
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