Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many are offered in garden centres and shops , loose or prepacked , from February onwards , but care must be taken to plant them at the right time or thy may fail .
2 Hewett despatched Charlton around the outside of the inn to meet them at the outside door , while he and the landlord hurried through to the tap room .
3 ‘ I persuaded her once or twice to meet me at the ruined tower .
4 For a new act , I would have to pitch them at the right venue for their type of music .
5 The footwells need cutting and rewelding for a V8 , so it would be easier to repair yours at the same time as , if you buy a new bulkhead , it will need chopping and welding just the same .
6 It was a pleasure to meet you at the Scottish Taxi Federation exhibition at Riccarton last week .
7 As well as receiving your letters , we like to meet you at the Royal Show , reader workshops and garden visits .
8 He told the reporter , who was driven blindfold to meet him at a secret location , that gangsters doused one of his two sons with petrol and threatened to kill them both if he did not co-operate in the theft .
9 She was close enough to the dead man to arrange to meet him at an isolated spot without arousing suspicions .
10 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
11 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
12 So impressed was I that I took Hellen to meet her at a later performance the same week .
13 A key objective since Tencel was launched has been to position it at the top end of the market , working with the best mills , converters and manufacturers and attracting a premium price for the fibre .
14 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
15 What happens to their income support , do they still continue to receive it at a reduced rate ?
16 ‘ The money we 'll get for the house , if we 're lucky enough to sell it at a good price , will just about pay the bills . ’
17 In some West Indian islands a yacht arriving without one will be confronted with a customs officer producing a rolled-up flag from his pocket and offering to sell it at an inflated price in an atmosphere of thinly disguised pressure .
18 We hope to see you at the grand final in London .
19 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
20 The problem that exists is that factions of governors who are members of the European Central Bank and who disagree with its policies may join together to frustrate them at the national level .
21 Are you supposed to press them at the same time ?
22 It is much better to attempt to prevent fears arising , rather than having to rectify them at a later stage .
23 Part of the success is to sow them at the right time .
24 Yes it 's been understood that it was a routing thing to put them at the right side of Southwell to drive through the middle of it .
25 All she might do is offer to do it at a lower rate , in which case ,
26 Muscles yes , you 've got to er if you 're going to build power into muscles you 've got to , you 've got to give the load to those particular muscles and you 've got to do it at the right load .
27 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
28 If the material is being used on a table or flat surface , it means that in order to use it at a close distance from the eye , the head is bent low over the book in order to try to discriminate the print .
29 One of the great regrets , I am sure , of all hon. Members is that because the hon. Gentleman has chosen to leave us at the next election he will never have the opportunity to be a junior Minister .
30 Now that he 'd told her he wanted the club , Adam would probably expect her to keep him at a wary arm 's length .
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