Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] on [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope you 're coming to see me on the first night , Georg .
2 I said authenticity was one thing but did my devoted fans really want to see me on the big screen with spots a foot across all over my face ?
3 ‘ Did you , as a matter of interest , happen to see me on The Human Angle last week ? ’
4 A health clinic has stepped in to help patients who ca n't find a dentist to treat them on the National Health Service .
5 They say they ca n't afford to treat them on the National Health .
6 When he spied his guests , he jumped to his feet and called a greeting , straightening the chairs and holding them one after the other to steady them on the uneven gravel while they sat down .
7 Their phone call came to my home in Hampstead inviting me to come to Toronto to meet them on the following Sunday .
8 You also get to know them on a personal basis too …
9 Manchester United wait on Bryan Robson 's decision on his fitness for the Rumbelows Cup Final against Nottingham Forest today , and hope to use the match to launch them on the final leg of their title procession .
10 ‘ Would n't want to meet him on a dark night , ’ breathed Arthur , trying to make light of the incident .
11 Much to his surprise , he found Burn was already staying there but ‘ laid up with a severe illness ’ , so he arranged to meet him on the following Monday .
12 We arranged to meet him on the early train at Skipton the next day and off he went to his bog .
13 At Aintree he beat The Thinker just over seven lengths and is due to meet him on the same terms , although Jimmy Frost , his rider , may put up a pound or two more than the minimum 10st .
14 You have to catch it on a certain place
15 If a particular publication is not available at your own library the librarian will almost certainly be able to obtain it on a short-term loan .
16 But we do think that the fact that they chose to launch it on the last day of our Conference is quite a compliment ; it was after all the Green Party that forced the government to produce the White Paper as a result of our fifteen% in the European Elections last year .
17 John and his team have already extracted considerable concessions from the Inland Revenue , which means that the majority of us will be able to continue as before , i.e. we will be able to satisfy the Inland Revenue that the majority of priests do not have the liability to tax on their income from the Church , without the need for the Inland Revenue to meet us on an individual basis .
18 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
19 Their worthlessness is discovered only when the duped client attempts to sell them on the legitimate market .
20 As a teenager , I laughed off an incident when a nappy horse attempted to deposit me on the wrong side of the railings on a motorway bridge .
21 As rock characteristics can vary considerably over very short intervals , it is useful to be able to evaluate them on a continuous basis from log data .
22 She prised Burton out of digs in Streatham to install him on the top floor of her house in Pelham Crescent — just a few doors down from Emlyn Williams .
23 Meanwhile , the rural housing problem , which affects most people in the Third World , is so immense that no government has even tried to tackle it on a national scale .
24 It is prudent , however , to set it on a level plinth , and in the case of a fountain assembly it is vital that the jet unit be just above the maximum water level .
25 As from April 1993 , even more flexibility will be allowed with couples able to choose whether all the tax relief should go to one partner ( husband or wife ) or whether to split it on a 50–50 basis .
26 In view of the answer that I have given to the first question this second question does not arise and it would be unwise for me to attempt to answer it on a hypothetical basis .
27 All that was necessary was for the porter to replace it on the wrong nail before going to Compline , and leave her its ineffective twin .
28 We hope to see you on the 7th December , especially people from the south and west of the county .
29 Usually the word is applied at the immature stage before the eye swells with rising sap , often changing colour a little — which helps to identify it on a leafless stem .
30 Classic ritual of the disappointing album : buy it at the Megastore ; go for coffee as a way of prolonging the moment of consumption , rip off the cellophane , remove the card inlay ( taking care not to tear it on the little perspex teeth ) and scan the lyrics ( Giddy-up giddy-up giddy-up whoa/My pony boy ’ — shit ! ) ; tube home ( further lyric-skimming ) ; feed it to the CD player , skip to the second track while still halfway through the first , sample that , move on , hop and jump to the end and start wondering about forthcoming birthdays — then back to the beginning in the hope that maybe it is , as we used to say , a grower .
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