Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] in [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 which is all our responsibility , presumably that delay is because we are n't providing sufficient judges or sufficient services to er , er , to try them in a much shorter term .
2 Equally , large European Community ( EC ) grants had been attracted to Portugal which frequently lacked the infrastructure or administrative machinery necessary to absorb them in the most productive manner .
3 De Gaulle had not set out to destroy the EEC , but to remould it in a more appropriate form , where the ‘ ambiguities ’ and ‘ mistakes ’ which he believed to be contained within the Treaty of Rome would be eliminated .
4 However , to get a better grasp of the holism they embody , it is helpful to view them in a more critical spirit .
5 The next task is to tackle them in the most sensible way .
6 The skill of the marketing manager therefore lies in understanding how the four categories of the Marketing Mix interact , and in being able to combine them in the most cost-effective manner such that the company 's marketing objectives are satisfactorily achieved .
7 There is unfortunately no miracle cure for leg ulcers around the corner ; community staff must be prepared to handle them in the most efficient and effective manner possible .
8 Agencies are given budgets and are expected to use them in the most efficient way possible .
9 Your officers has members from all over the country will try to apply a broad view but there are changes that will be necessary but they will attempt to do them in the most sympathetic and most broadly based way .
10 I should want to use him in a completely different context , of course …
11 He wanted to turn back to reassure him in a more plausible way .
12 to do and we 're going to have the opportunity to do it in a slightly interesting way and you failed miserably because you sat and chatted and did n't get any work done .
13 And we 're going to do it in the most slovenly way possible , with a nibble here and a nibble there , leaving great
14 I 've been having to deal with electricity since the word go and I 've tried to use it in a musically creative and responsible way .
15 I stress that I understand that the regulations will be general and that highway authorities will be given discretion to interpret them in the most appropriate way .
16 The day-to-day operation of power stations remained under the control of the six National Grid Control Centres , which ( now they were freed from the financial provisions which had governed their relationship to the independent undertakings ) were able to run them in a more efficient merit order , reducing the cost of generation .
17 The only alternative would be to require the new unitary councils to club together to carry out this and other strategic functions , but that begs the question : Why abolish the counties in the first place , only to recreate them in a less accountable form ?
18 Unmistakable , even though I had never seen one before ; a big bird , brown and grey with a red throat , low in the water , where the wind-rippled surface managed to camouflage it in the most extraordinary way .
19 He continued , ‘ It is incumbent upon the government to refute them in the most absolute detail . ’
20 More than a third of directors want more summarised information and want to see it in a more comprehensible , graphic form .
21 The snag is , they 're not as relevant as they could be ; they have the tunes , energy and visual appeal but continue to deliver them in an increasingly obsolete vehicle , leaving themselves in danger of being left behind by their natural audience .
22 The Tasmanian Law Reform Commission expressed the matter even more forcefully : ‘ The present focus on consent virtually demands that a defence counsel who is doing his job properly must challenge the sexual conduct and personal integrity of the complainant and attempt to present her in the most unfavourable light . ’
23 She 's probably trying to explain them in a very complicated way of doing maths .
24 On the one hand what the gay movement had done was to involve me in a very intense one-to-one relationship , a couple relationship , and at the same time the ideology that the movement was instilling in me was away from the idea of couple relationships and away from the idea that sex should be conventionally tied to relationships or a single relationship .
25 I met a scum fan on the bus home from town late on Saturday night who was trying to tell me in a very loud voice that Strachan was now ‘ past it ’ and ‘ knackered ’ .
26 Her worry about his probable infidelity had led her to attack him in an irresponsibly dangerous manner .
27 Franco conducted it on his own terms , however , which meant that it was so gradual as to be barely perceptible at times , and designed to show him in the most favourable light possible .
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