Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] up [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was surprised to see them up in the tall grasses , instead of moving along the exposed bank , but I realised that the rising river level had forced them up .
2 Pierre came to pick them up in the long Mercedes and they piled in with all their bags and appurtenances .
3 We agreed to set it up at the last meeting .
4 If he improves over the next 3–4 years and lasts until he 's 30 , then you will have to put him up alongside the other 2 .
5 I offered , once again , to put him up in the spare room for the night , but , once again , he would n't hear of it .
6 She was being a bit of a weed and in any case I went to cheer her up in the first place . ’
7 I felt that if I could get into a regular habit-forming routine then I would be able to keep it up beyond the 30 days .
8 But with a th a single wardrobe ironically you ca n't get them up the stairs because soon as you reach that step you 've got another step so if you were to lift it up to the next step it 'll hit the top of the d doorjamb so it wo n't go any further .
9 It was often her task to carry it up to the little sitting-room , followed by Mary from the village , who came in as a daily maid , bearing a silver jug of hot water and matches to light all the lamps .
10 If not , you are obliged to top it up to the statutory level .
11 No doubt this ‘ concession ’ was to soften him up for the next examination .
12 We 'd obviously , we 'd like to get the agreement of this committee to continue that work and to take it up to the various bodies and consultation .
13 If this is the case , the European Court held that it must permit the applicant to establish that since obtaining his/her qualifications , he/she had gained further knowledge and qualifications to bring him/her up to the necessary standard .
14 So the , the May the fourth directive is not working because it 's not guaranteeing that the poor get enough to bring them up to the middle peasant status which is , is the aim .
15 The overall goal is to bring them up to the same standards as the western part of the country by the end of the century .
16 Older people are incensed that those companies are making huge profits and that their chief executives are receiving huge increases in their salaries to bring them up to the so-called market rate , while they are paying high standing charges .
17 The water tanks will be covered and their insulation improved to bring them up to the latest standards .
18 There is , as yet , no system in operation which allows your competence to be assessed to a national standard , and it will be left to the discretion of your service manager , and course tutors if you have undertaken a back to nursing course , to decide whether you are ready to return , or what additional guidance or preparation you may need to bring you up to the required standard .
19 I think he 's at the bottom of a bog with a hole in his head and they 're waiting to scoop her up at the right moment .
20 To bring him up to the required standard he had to go to a boarding preparatory school , which he loathed so much he escaped over the wall and hitchhiked home .
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