Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] about the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Does not my hon. Friend consider it surprising that the right hon. Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) , who always wants to lecture us about the rule of law although we certainly need no lectures about it from him , comes to the House with , I think , two cases where crookedness was involved ?
2 You 'll need to reassure her about the reliability of your products and the good service your shop offers .
3 A SOCIAL services chief issued an appeal yesterday for the bit-part actress Yasmin Gibson to contact them about the future of her Home Alone daughter , being cared for in a children 's home .
4 A man is under guard in hospital tonight while police wait to question him about the killing of one of his wife 's friends .
5 After all , ITN 's bulletins have made no attempts to deceive us about the influence of Iraqi minders over Sadler 's reports .
6 He tried to educate them about the nature of demythologizing , a word of which the press had got hold , and to guide them about the best modern writing on the New Testament .
7 But they were then held in remand in prison , and did n't really know how to defend themselves , so this project will be sending lawyers into the Long Houses of the indigenous peoples , trying to educate them about the process of Malaysian law , and work it into their system of customary law , which is known as ADAT , whereby within the Long House , all the community leaders and the members within the community debate disputes over land rights , the forest , the use of it , and try and get them to use their customary law with a knowledge of the Malaysian legal process in order to form associations and fight being thrown into prison because they 're trying to defend the forest .
8 Erm I meant to ask you about the inside of the the coffin was that plain white material or was it did it have this u pattern on it as well .
9 I had hoped to intervene to ask him about the extent of the Bill , but he sat down very rapidly at the end of his speech .
10 I 'd just approached a woman ( who , it emerged , could speak only Mandarin ) , to ask her about the joys of cycling .
11 Robert did not like to remind her about the nature of her costume .
12 She gets these surges of anger now and then , against injustice and evil and so on , no matter how often I try to remind her about the facts of life .
13 The people of Wainfleet are openly friendly , keen to welcome visitors and proud to tell them about the fascinations of the town .
14 She paused , then changed the subject by looking at him expectantly as she said , ‘ Have n't you things to show me about the running of this office ? ’
15 He said : ‘ A contact I made when I was in Croatia got in touch to tell me about the efforts of the villagers of Sumet , which is between Split and Mostar .
16 I 'm not sending him there I 'll have to get Geoff to tell you about the story of , you know erm drama he says is pretty bad because , I mean in drama you sort of mess about any way do n't ya ?
17 When I 've written to you in the past , it 's usually been to tell you about the developments of some of our long term programmes .
18 Your midwife or GP will be able to tell you about the types of care available which may include : a hospital maternity unit , a GP maternity unit , or a home birth .
19 Your midwife or GP will be able to tell you about the types of care available which may include : a hospital maternity unit , a GP maternity unit , or a home birth .
20 He pulled her away , and although there was a laughing expression on his face his voice was quiet as he continued to warn her about the power of the Press and how it was politic not to get up their nose whatever the provocation offered .
21 He was looking at outdoor cold stress and we were able to tell him about the extent of the particular housing problem in Scotland and how people could only afford to heat one room .
22 She was taking a secretarial course , and I was able to tell her about the importance of that work in hospital .
23 Christine Mills had called several times to say she wanted to see the chief inspector urgently because she had ‘ something very important ’ to tell her about the death of her father .
24 The shroud thrown over the subordination of women in the mining communities has much to tell us about the myth of the " archetypical proletarians ' .
25 Mr , do you want to tell us about the delights of Hartlepool
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