Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of ACE 's claims is that members will be able to develop systems based upon the same building blocks which are sufficiently differentiated to enable them to go after separate market niches .
2 I have no record of having received a reply and since everything is beginning to move again with the local authorities applying to the Secretary of State for him to lay Orders under the Transport and Public Works Act to enable them to proceed with public consultation on their scheme , the matter is becoming critical once again .
3 The biggest conflicts looming over negotiations for a climate treaty , which begins this month , involve the money that rich countries must give to poor ones to enable them to develop with reduced CO 2 emissions .
4 It may be possible to encourage it to stay in one area by fitting a spotlight of the mercury vapour variety .
5 And that will mean resisting those tempting offers from lenders designed to encourage us to take on more debt by making the initial costs appear cheaper , but which store up trouble for the future .
6 This is an excellent opportunity to receive a substantial cash sum in the year 2001 , to enable you to celebrate in fine style .
7 Erm his brain when you 're talking about human endeavour and craft skill you know , to enable you to get to that stage of , of er er fine working , erm takes a lot of intensive you know , er er attitude .
8 Actually the tea shop benefited slightly , because we 'd introduced a new line of rock cakes that week , and some rioters came round to buy them to throw at middle class people . ’
9 → When you buy goods or equipment you have a legal right to expect them to comply with any description applied : leather not plastic , solid wood and not veneer , or in this case a ‘ 67 and not a 1974 model .
10 And certain things are going to happen in his body to help him to cope with that situation .
11 But in some cases it seems more probable that they are deliberately engineered by the virus to help it to travel from one host to another .
12 One which the Act employs in relation to information which can be briefly conveyed , is to require it to appear on all business communications of the company .
13 Is not to persuade them to change on that call .
14 ‘ Either you increase my husband 's wages to reflect the work he does on your behalf , or I might find it my duty to persuade him to look for other employment , perhaps with one of the many property owners hereabouts . ’
15 You may want to use it to chop through modest-sized tree and bush roots so an effective , labour-saving cutting edge is a must .
16 The Frenchmen were keen to join up , but the snag was persuading the French authorities in the Middle East to permit them to come under British command .
17 The original engine I have kept as a spare and would like to convert it to run on unleaded petrol , could you please inform me where to get drawings or information on conversion .
18 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
19 The American attacks on Iraq , it said , were intended to ‘ bludgeon the Iraqi people and the Arab world , to force them to submit to Israeli arrogance . ’
20 The Society sees this as the best protection against the exclusion of some firms from franchising and against any attempt to force them to tender for legal aid work on the basis of price .
21 There is n't time to teach you to sail on this course — if your sailing skills are deficient you must take the 4 day ‘ Introduction ’ course .
22 The prototype fast reactor at Dounreay would be funded until 1994 and its reprocessing plant for a further three years to allow it to deal with spent fuel .
23 I can only emphasise the point that Her Royal Highness has already made on the requirements for us to have a much larger membership to allow us to speak with strong voice in the many debates we find ourselves involved on behalf of our sport whether it be windsurfers , dinghies , offshore sailing craft , motor cruisers , powerboat racing , anything that virtually goes on the water we look after .
24 A study of the GEC bid to takeover Plessey outlines clearly the conflict that can exist between maintaining competition in the domestic market and restructuring an industry to enable it to compete with foreign competition , by allowing rationalisation to occur and encouraging the combined group to exploit economies of scale .
25 I was trying to communicate between David and Tony , trying to get them to talk to each other , and as a result was going back and forth between the two of them which was a very frustrating experience , added to which I was tired from being on the road and I was very unhappy .
26 My first effort , therefore , was to get them to believe in moral law
27 Have you come all this way , after all this time , to try to get me to live on that boat ? "
28 ( i ) Does the applicant have a sufficient interest within R.S.C. , Ord. 53 , r. 3(7) to entitle him to apply for judicial review ? ( ii ) Is the exercise by Lautro of its power to serve an intervention notice subject to judicial review ? ( iii ) Is , or was , Winchester a member of Lautro ? ( iv ) Whether or not Winchester was a member of Lautro , did it have a right to appeal under Lautro 's rules to the Appeal Tribunal ? ( v ) Did the failure by Lautro to give Winchester an opportunity to make representations before the service of the intervention notice invalidate that notice so that it should be quashed ?
29 You may already have written to Mr Popham to ask him to act in this way .
30 But it is nowhere near enough to enable us to do without cumulative selection altogether .
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