Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 If you have any views about ways in which we could help each other in such situations perhaps you 'd like to jot them down for the next newsletter .
2 He was a fan of the BCR though he came to know it only in the last few years of its life .
3 We agreed to set it up at the last meeting .
4 They might fear you , hate you , and try to exorcise you back into the fifth dimension , but they accept you for what you are .
5 love is kind enough not to leave them there in the first place .
6 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
7 And Steve obediently went off , taking with him a jar of Marmite in a garden trowel as a substitute for coal in a shovel , and he stood out there on the front porch in the cold listening to the silence and looking at the stars , waiting for them to let him in on the last stroke of Big Ben on the radio : a faint , feeble echo of some once meaningful ritual , though what it had meant or now could mean nobody there knew or had ever known .
8 She was being a bit of a weed and in any case I went to cheer her up in the first place . ’
9 For all that , had she been right just to abandon him pitilessly for the first dashing knight to Pass her way ?
10 I planned to do it alone in the first place . ’
11 ‘ I have always wanted to do it ever since the first time you took me to see it when I was young . ’
12 I 've had to put it together over the last three days .
13 I was lucky enough to knock him out in the first round .
14 If there was no work there , the tramping artisan was fed , given a bed for the night and a few pence to see him on to the next town on the official tramping route .
15 he played once more before the Lord 's show-piece and was called six times for throwing in the Hampshire match , but the selectors decided to risk him again in the second Test , where he was to meet his fate at the most famous ground in cricket .
16 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
17 But with a th a single wardrobe ironically you ca n't get them up the stairs because soon as you reach that step you 've got another step so if you were to lift it up to the next step it 'll hit the top of the d doorjamb so it wo n't go any further .
18 One of the original group , Crest Homes , has now decided to go it alone for the first stage of the project .
19 But I have a feeling it might be easier to mull it over at the next meeting .
20 CONNOISSEURS of the bizarre will recall the night Sheffield Wednesday players spent on wintry moorland , one of their ex-commando trainer 's ploys to get them out of the Third Division .
21 But I never felt that he was going to get me out in the second innings .
22 Murray bought his compass and they walked on together , beginning the skein of meaningless jokes and catchwords which was to bind them together in the next few weeks .
23 ‘ I want you to regard me not as the last Viceroy winding up the British Raj ’ , he told Nehru , ‘ but as the first to lead the way to the new India . ’
24 He had n't been exactly jumping for joy to have her here in the first place , as she knew very well .
25 So as a result to that , there , there erm , there is going to be a public meeting on the tenth September , which is actually organised by the Labour party , erm , but obviously the who thing very worried about the attendance at that , erm the , have , had to organise it very quickly because he wants to get it in before the sixteenth , we 'll still trying to get erm a National speaker , I 'm hoping that Julie from the er , eh National Help Federation will be able to come , but she 's on holiday till Monday erm , I do n't .
26 want to get it out till the last minute in case it rained on it again .
27 To say it is a hidden village is an understatement as it took some hawk-eyed map reading and signpost spotting to get us there in the first place .
28 I would n't call last season debacle making the right decisions , my own personal opinion of him is that he was the right manager to get us out of the second divsion , but I feel that given the players and money avail able to him he maybe could have done better .
29 With more complex circuits , having to remove the transfers after taking all that time to lay them down in the first place , is wasteful .
30 Then , as the heel touches the ground , lock your ankle and shift your weight forward with the knee bent , rocking forward onto the toes and using them to push you off to the next step .
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