Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 love is kind enough not to leave them there in the first place .
2 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
3 She was being a bit of a weed and in any case I went to cheer her up in the first place . ’
4 For all that , had she been right just to abandon him pitilessly for the first dashing knight to Pass her way ?
5 I planned to do it alone in the first place . ’
6 ‘ I have always wanted to do it ever since the first time you took me to see it when I was young . ’
7 I was lucky enough to knock him out in the first round .
8 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
9 One of the original group , Crest Homes , has now decided to go it alone for the first stage of the project .
10 He had n't been exactly jumping for joy to have her here in the first place , as she knew very well .
11 To say it is a hidden village is an understatement as it took some hawk-eyed map reading and signpost spotting to get us there in the first place .
12 With more complex circuits , having to remove the transfers after taking all that time to lay them down in the first place , is wasteful .
13 You want to throw it away on the first blonde blue-eyed gold-digger to throw herself across your path . ’
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