Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adv] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that has been hardest for me to deal with in coaching is runners who want to train for both the marathon and the mile at the same time .
2 THE King 's Theatre in Edinburgh is undergoing a wide-ranging review to cope with both the recession and future competition from the capital 's new £13 million Festival Theatre .
3 It is perfectly possible to use with just the keyboard but there are advantages in all the modules of being able to point and select .
4 But does this apparent wide-scale support for examinations disguise another motive , that has little or nothing to do with either the practicality or desirability of examining children 's work in these subjects ?
5 As the critic Ernest Newman wrote : ‘ Music can become dance when it is subjected to repetition , multiplication and abstraction using steps , poses and gestures with pattern and expression to appeal to both the eye and the intellect ’ ( see also page 47 ) .
6 It is competent to appeal to either the sheriff or the sheriff principal , but no appeal lies from the sheriff to the sheriff principal ( Troc Sales Ltd. v. Kirkcaldy District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 77 ) .
7 The need to control for both the individual and areal characteristics is demonstrated by table 6.1 taken from Garner ( 1988 ) .
8 A Portsmouth ballvalve has retaining caps to hold in both the piston and , usually , the washer inside the piston
9 Henry 's backing for this parliamentary assault on the church was also intended to demonstrate to both the pope and Catherine 's supporters among the bishops how much the church needed the protection of the crown against the anti-clerical elements in parliament , and how this royal safeguard would be jeopardized by a papal refusal to grant the annulment .
10 1982 saw the first publication of the autumn statement , which can be taken to refer to both the publication and the Chancellor 's oral statement ( see Economic Progress Report 153 , HM Treasury , January 1983 ) .
11 Problems would seem to exist on both the supply and demand side of the labour market for designers .
12 In other words , instrumental rationality has nothing to say about either the source or the rationality of the agents ' goals .
13 France decided not to rely upon either the Americans or the perfidious British — a reaction which was strengthened by the return to power of Charles de Gaulle ( May 1958 ) .
14 This member is identified as having to move in both the X and Y directions in order to remain in contact with the pin on the horizontal arm of the bell cranks , and also to rotate so that its other end is maintained on the vertical line which describes the allowable movement of the rod member .
15 This used to happen on both the Chipmunk and the Tomahawk where the elevator control loads become much heavier during the spin and where a half-hearted movement forward on the stick may be insufficient to stop the spin .
16 He worked in a fair frenzy for two hours , making demands of the paint he 'd never made before , plastering it on with palette knife and fingers , attempting to capture at least the shape and proportion of the thing 's head and neck .
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