Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The public knowledge that such discussion was taking place was damaging enough for Mrs Thatcher ; it was accentuated by signs that there was an active campaign to line up alternative candidates to stand against Heseltine in the second ballot .
2 Meanwhile the Front populaire ivoirien ( FPI ) , now emerging as the strongest of the 26 parties which had been allowed to register since May , elected its general secretary , Laurent Gbagbo , to stand against Houphouët-Boigny in the presidential elections ; he was the first opposition presidential candidate since independence in 1960 .
3 After that tour , Western Province employed both myself and Graham Gooch for two winters , which partially made up for the fees we lost by not being able to tour with England during the three-year Test ban .
4 It what it tends to do is to encourage more traffic to come into Knaresborough on the main road as opposed to the two secondary roads .
5 Ernst Richter was the latest recruit from the academy , having arrived the previous day , and he had been assigned to work with Mauer for the first month so that his temperament and personality could be assessed to ensure that later on he would be paired with the right partner .
6 I was vividly aware of the far reaching and vast contribution that Basil had made to education , to values , to the good influences of the Authority on teachers and children , colleges , schools and students , and I am of the privileged few who were able to work with Basil in the early days of struggles , so I know how much , how very much he did — So I felt that at least he had fulfilled — as nearly as we can ever judge — so much of his life 's work even to the developments in his own personal creative medium — and this must be a comfort to you as well as to us who knew him as a friend and colleague .
7 Work is to restart in June on the controversial Flambeau River copper mine project , in Wisconsin .
8 ‘ Thank goodness that at last I shall be able to come from Stowbridge by the short way and under the low bridge ! ’ he said .
9 Doyle twitched and flexed his fingers , trying to communicate to Bodie in the only way possible .
10 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
11 On reflection , does the Home Secretary consider that if someone is due to come to Britain with the sole purpose of inciting race hatred there is no reason why he should be allowed in , and that Le Pen should have been excluded ?
12 Objections were also raised ( as in 1314 ) to being called to meet in Westminster , the usual venue of parliament , instead of at St Paul 's , the normal place for gatherings of the southern clergy ; in 1322 the southern clergy objected to a summons to meet at York in the northern province ; in May 1314 and April 1316 objections were raised to the presence of lay councillors of the king .
13 By the 1920s , the French had lost their monopoly , but proceeded to work at Susa until the Islamic revolution of 1979 .
14 Meanwhile , during October of 1756 , Anthony Tissington of Alfreton in Derbyshire , set men to work at Coniston on the westerly edge of the sett , that part which became known as Paddies ' End .
15 Leeds United 's winger Albert Johanneson became the first black player to appear at Wembley in the 1965 Cup Final against Liverpool , who won 2–1 after extra time .
16 With a chilling prophecy he then stated that it would be the task of a great leader , Hitler for preference , to march into Russia in the next five years and place one half of the population in the lethal chamber and the other half in the zoo .
17 She had come back to the nursery ready to sympathize with Nannie about the underarm cramp caused by her inside .
18 The Black Prince was to march from Bordeaux into the north-central areas of the country ; Henry , duke of Lancaster , planned to attack from Normandy ; while Edward III himself was also to come from the north .
19 The institutes which began to open in London in the late 1850s appear to have recruited from among the lower-middle class , though Waldo McGillicuddy Eagar , a young Edwardian club worker ( later to be a leading figure in the National Association of Boys ' Clubs ) claimed that ‘ as anxiety about the working classes was intensified , some Youths ’ Institutes reached down from the middle classes to the poor , and increasingly diluted their formal educational programmes with recreational activities .
20 Emilio Segre was one kid , and Bruno Pontecorvo , later to defect from Britain to the Soviet Union , another .
21 Dealers and artists complain now , but it should be remembered that they were happy to sell to Saatchi in the first place , and doubtless reaped the benefit of having placed work by their artists in such a prestigious collection in terms of increased prices .
22 She peered through the glass door , half inclined to look for Dana in the bigger stores , when she was riveted by the sight of her twin appearing from behind a curtain .
23 The call was a few minutes in coming through — probably they had to look for Seddon at the other end .
24 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
25 So good is Steve that he 's now been invited to play for England in the next World Open Golf Championship for the Blind , that 's in Australia next year .
26 Bruce made it a little easier by abdicating this throne to play for Zimbabwe in the African Nations Cup on Sunday , leaving James to face Forest .
27 Dwyer is monitoring the continuing rumpus over whether players should be involved with their provinces in 15-a-side competitions or opt to play for Australia in the sevens tournaments .
28 Carrie had managed to cope with the twofold demands of the business and motherhood by employing a young woman to look after Rachel during the busy days .
29 I just want to play against Ireland in the next match .
30 Luo had served nearly two years of a five-year sentence on charges of trying to help Wang Juntao and Chen Ziming to escape from China after the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square .
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