Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] same [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The best way to prepare for this is to work through the same processes as historians working with a wide range of documents .
2 Courtaulds International will continue to focus on the same products and markets as before , supplying paint for a while range of end uses , from ships , chemical plants and houses to washing machines , furniture and beer cans .
3 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
4 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
5 I knew that I was fearful of describing the girls I 'd met , because I did n't want to fall into the same traps and judgements we had been talking about ; on the other hand , I was not being totally honest in leaving out their descriptions , because in fact how they looked interested me very much .
6 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder .
7 The Oxford Regional Health Authority introduced ‘ the 80/20 rule , ’ under which fundholders agreed to contract for 80% of their hospital services budget in the first year to go to the same hospitals as in the preparatory year , leaving them free to move the remaining 20% if they so wished .
8 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
9 Mr Powell answered : ‘ You do n't have to live under the same laws as a foreigner in order to trade with him .
10 They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and progressively minded public opinion articulated by journalists , writers , professors , and students .
11 It was also decided that joint stock companies would be permitted and that foreign-owned ventures would be allowed to operate on the same terms as domestically owned firms .
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