Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] way [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A feeling began to emerge that the advantages of the new approach might be long- rather than short-term , but the dichotomy between wanting to work in the new way because of its potential advantages and ‘ Are we ever going to get the syllabus done ? ’ continued to be problematic .
2 The women go out to work in the same way as other women , but know that their main priority in life is to care for their families .
3 However , the one thing that instantly distinguished PageMaker from the rest was the fact that it had been designed to work in the same way as a traditional paste-up table .
4 The advisory team should enable the flow of relevant information on the pupils ' needs to reach the schools where they are placed and enable teachers and visually handicapped pupils to work in an effective way because they are well informed and well supported .
5 ‘ I have three children and even though I do not have a job at present , they will never have to suffer in the same way as the children of Somalia . ’
6 If the word " real " in the sense of " actual " or " actually existent " has any discernible function at all , then it is only to indicate in a roundabout way that a certain proposition , or propositions , are actally true ; and " true " , as we have just seen , is itself eliminable as a propositional predicate .
7 ‘ I do n't think Elizabeth can be here , ’ she said , wishing to indicate in a roundabout way that she did n't think Beuno was here either .
8 So , for example , it is impossible to make sense of a statement that S is disposed to behave in a certain way unless one already understands the concepts required to understand the content of the relevant behaviour .
9 Paige ground her teeth , very nearly tempted to behave in an unladylike way and fling herself across the table and scratch his eyes out — anything to stop their icy mockery .
10 One important factor seems to be the tendency of the cat to ‘ jump up unexpectedly ’ and to behave in an unpredictable way when at close quarters .
11 Thus under certain conditions we can expect A* to behave in the same way as breadth-first search .
12 Professor Dinwiddy was more willing to accept the existence of a revolutionary movement in Lancashire and the West Riding which had begun to mobilise in a rudimentary way and which did administer oaths and invoke the name of Ludd .
13 On Sunday there is an additional train for grown ups who perhaps want an opportunity to celebrate in a seasonal way but without the children .
14 John was keen to help in a practical way and it was he who came up with an idea for marking John 's year in captivity .
15 The best of deciding to be ordained is the knowledge that you dimly see your future and have the courage to embark on an irreversible way and feel that at least you commit yourself to help humanity in its suffering or its moral predicament .
16 This would suggest that shareholders by agreement can bind themselves to vote in a particular way and can then be compelled to vote accordingly .
17 If the offeror wishes to make a recommended bid , then the negotiations over price are likely to proceed in the same way as for any other business acquisition .
18 But there must be the desire to see in a new way or the vision will never come .
19 He is giving Gascoigne the platform to perform in the same way as France built a side around Michel Platini , and Argentina around Diego Maradona — the latter never more evident as when they won the World Cup in 1986 .
20 When you are made aware of this you can consciously choose not to react in a stressed way and you will therefore be able to maintain a calmness even when life becomes hectic .
21 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
22 The student is expected to acquire knowledge and has also to prove a capacity for wide reading and understanding , an up-to-date awareness of the state of both debate and development in educational ideas , a capacity to criticize in a constructive way and an overall capacity to link those skills with collecting and analysing data and with the planning of projects .
23 ‘ And I want it to go on the same way till I 'm free to offer you more . ’
24 The aim of this arrangement is the same as that of the mentor programmes ; it is to demonstrate in a consistent way that someone cares about , is interested in and encourages the school and its students in their work .
25 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
26 Their amorous activity attracted the attention of two passing couples and the two males in this group were beginning to respond in an ugly way when the police arrived .
27 Launching a sugar plantation took a great deal of capital and the planters were always short of money ; many of them had bought estates at the high land prices of the boom , and most of them felt they owed it to themselves to live in a gentlemanly way that ignored debts .
28 Murid , cricetid and microtine molars are structurally different from each other , but their incisors are more similar and appear to alter in a similar way when subjected to digestive corrosion .
29 Here you had the governor of a state in a federal system choosing to act in a particular way and the president overriding him and demonstrating his power .
30 They are required to act in an open way and to involve the child , those caring for him and other significant people in his life .
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