Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Every time we go I have to wait for ages in the cold hospital wearing a scratchy towelling robe the colour of sick and drinking black coffee .
2 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
3 the Board considers the B R employe employees who transfer involuntary involuntarily to the private sector should return an indefensible right to remain as members of the joint industry
4 Professor William A. Cassidy , of the University of Pittsburg , listening to Shima 's tale , resolved to search for meteorites on the other margin of Antarctica , near the US base on McMurdo Sound .
5 To search for meteorites among the dark cobbles and boulders of dolerite that abound in such areas would indeed be an unrewarding task .
6 Investors , especially the big institutions , have started to search for value outside the top 100 UK stocks .
7 The circuit 's owners , the exclusive British Racing Drivers ' Club , whose members include Nigel Mansell , Stirling Moss , James Hunt and Jackie Stewart , admit that they need to spend £15-20 million on the track if it is to continue as home of the British Grand Prix .
8 Sometimes it seemed that those who had profited most successfully form the bonanza that he Shah had unleashed were the first to go -with members of the Pahlavi dynasty leading the rush tot he exit .
9 She understood that she could only leave the flat to shop for food at the Indian-owned store at the end of the street .
10 It was a toss up whether to try for acceptance in the front row ranks , or work towards qualifying for the back row .
11 If , for example , you want to know about punctuation in the seventeenth century , marriage laws in nineteenth-century Canada , the history of the Elizabethan stage , or current theories of myth or symbol , this is one place well worth looking .
12 Under a new law , proposed during the fifth session of the eighth National Assembly ( which convened in Hanoi on June 20-30 , 1989 ) , non-CPV members were allowed to stand as candidates for the first time .
13 He replaced seven ministers , most of whom were thought to be planning to stand as candidates in the legislative elections due in the first half of 1992 .
14 Nonetheless , in order to accommodate the monarchist lobby , when the first local government elections since the Civil War were held , in Madrid , in November 1954 , Franco allowed a group of monarchists to stand as candidates alongside the official list .
15 At the other end of the scale , although in many cases it is open to private individuals to prosecute for breach of the criminal law , it is generally thought , for various reasons , that usually it is best for public prosecutors to take such action .
16 The Commission rightly made the point that ‘ there is a concern that voluntary effort is being used to compensate for deficiencies in the public services . ’
17 Inevitably , political differences in priorities and analyses exist , some women emphasis-ing the need to work for changes within the present housing system , while the priority of others is to construct alternative housing situations for women .
18 She might have agreed with my friend Roger Hinks — who , after his unmerited disgrace over the too energetic cleaning of the Elgin Marbles , left the British Museum to work for years for the British Council — that the compensation for having acquaintances is that we can make game of them with our friends .
19 Women first began to work as psychologists in the mid-nineteenth century .
20 While the CPSU dominated Soviet politics it did not have to worry about majorities in the Supreme Soviet .
21 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
22 They also accused Cafiero of seeking to keep himself in office by introducing a clause allowing him to stand for re-election in the 1991 gubernatorial elections .
23 In the increasing number of critical surveys of the English novel published during the present century Conrad is the sole writer ever to be included in the safe , accepted procession from Fielding to Henry James and beyond who could , to some degree , be considered to write of adventure in the traditional sense ; and it is always made perfectly clear that Conrad 's moral and philosophical probings constitute his true value , his story-telling expertise being , by implication , no more than a means to an end .
24 Her assignment for C 's Circus was to manipulate men of power and influence to work towards unity with the British Commonwealth in their desperate fight for world freedom .
25 The public knowledge that such discussion was taking place was damaging enough for Mrs Thatcher ; it was accentuated by signs that there was an active campaign to line up alternative candidates to stand against Heseltine in the second ballot .
26 Meanwhile the Front populaire ivoirien ( FPI ) , now emerging as the strongest of the 26 parties which had been allowed to register since May , elected its general secretary , Laurent Gbagbo , to stand against Houphouët-Boigny in the presidential elections ; he was the first opposition presidential candidate since independence in 1960 .
27 It fell to the BDA to ensure that the new breed of social workers with the deaf were motivated and equipped for their specialist task , and , particularly — that they were able to communicate with members of the deaf community , for which knowledge of British Sign Language ( BSL ) is essential .
28 A veteran local government leader in Coventry who went into city politics from the car factories where he was a militant shop steward , remembers an attempt to communicate with electors after the Second World War :
29 People do not sit down to write it , but those who need to communicate with people in the other parts of the country love to speak it .
30 After that tour , Western Province employed both myself and Graham Gooch for two winters , which partially made up for the fees we lost by not being able to tour with England during the three-year Test ban .
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