Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] for a " in BNC.

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1 One day Mr Brownlow asked him to come to his study for a little talk .
2 to come to my home for a holiday and a rest …
3 BOXING / Swift fits in boxing around work while Richardson quits job in his bid for gold medal Boxing MIDDLESBROUGH light-welterweight Peter Richardson is quitting his job for four months to concentrate on his bid for an Olympic medal .
4 Encourage children to talk about their preference for a particular toy .
5 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
6 ‘ I just thought it was a shame to go inside on such a night as this , ’ he continued , ‘ so I persuaded Will to partake of my company for a while . ’
7 Recording Studios — an outfit Bunny and I had actually done some backtrack recording for when they wanted a sound they could n't synthesize — and that it was vital that I contact Mr Warren immediately to consult on his availability for a major recording contract , and which pub was he in anyway ?
8 Cos Grant 's gone off to play with his computer for a few minutes .
9 Then he got me and two more drivers to go into his room for a hand of pontoon .
10 King even promised to lobby on their behalf for a new jetty to be built instead off Hinkley Point itself — the only time he made a strong stand against any aspect of the Hinkley C project .
11 She would never again have so much rapt attention focused upon her , and she stood silent , until one lady , younger than most of those present , started to rummage in her handbag for a cigarette .
12 He told conference delegates he had been asked by the BNFL board and the Government to continue in his post for a short period after March 31 as his successor — John Guinness , currently Permanent Secretary in the DoE — could not easily be released from that post until after the general election .
13 ‘ No , it 's not work , old son , I 've come to crash on your floor for a couple of nights . ’
14 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
15 ‘ One lady invited us to go to her cottage for a holiday .
16 The disgust she felt almost paralysed Comfort for a moment , before she started to fumble in her bag for a handkerchief .
17 Oh , you might have to stay with your nana for a week
18 The New Hampshire result ensured that the challenge of Buchanan would be maintained at least into March , and increased the growing belief that Bush — despite having recorded popular approval ratings of up to 90 per cent in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf war — was vulnerable to defeat in his bid for a second presidential term .
19 Suzanne , I could call myself Suzanne : it was the name of one of the actresses Dad had brought to stay at our house for a week because there were bedbugs at her lodgings .
20 Here 's the third token to collect in our Look For A Lifestyle competition .
21 Throughout the autumn and winter he suffered from feverish colds and attacks of bronchitis , and was often forced to take to his bed for a week or fortnight at a time .
22 ‘ It is , perhaps , not too much to ask on their behalf for a period of calm during which they can reassert , each in his and her own way , the tradition of public service to which they are clearly dedicated . ’
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