Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] for the new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those whose desks will be rearranged to find room for the new machines will find it harder to exert some control .
2 Some 40 other computer and telecommunications companies were poised to announce support for the new standard , including Lotus Development Corp , Compaq Computer Corp , Digital Equipment Corp , Northern Telecom Ltd and Siemens AG , the last two in their telephone systems .
3 In the end , the compromise was to give permission for the new blocks of apartments , but to require that the remains of the grottoes be restored as a feature in the new development .
4 Although in 1927 Barbusse had attended the First Congress of Proletarian Writers held in Moscow , and although he had appeared to voice support for the new policy of subordinating the literary process to the construction of socialism , his actual writing practice was completely out of step with the doctrinaire ideas of RAPP .
5 In 1879 she visited repealers in Plymouth to canvass support for the new bill , which proposed that the courts should remove children living in the society of depraved and disorderly persons and place them in industrial schools .
6 MOVED from South Kensington to allow room for the new Flight gallery ( see page 10 ) , the Science Museum ( ScM ) has placed Avro 504K D7560 on loan to the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop , Hants .
7 And it is because the new humanity is made up of free men and women that God wishes that all should be saved : his delay in invading the world and bringing an end to history is to allow time for the new humanity to supplant the old .
8 At any rate , Templer won a contract to supply granite for the new London Bridge , built in 1825–31 to replace the earlier one which was no longer safe or adequate .
9 In November 1252 , for example , the king told him both to seek timber for the new roof of the abbey and to see that a great new bell was hung before the feast of St Edward : he was not to leave London until it was done .
10 once the strength of the new week 's material has been assessed , the next move is to decide which records will be removed from the present playlist to make room for the new ones .
11 In May 1890 , the minutes state that ‘ the old Saloon Shed having been pulled down to make room for the new Paint Shop , a shed is required for the three shunt engines ’ .
12 ( 10 ) Throughout Stages 1 and 2 , DCSLs may be involved in advising schools , librarians , or library committees on practical matters , from suggesting trends in library layout ( for schools relocating or refurbishing their libraries in anticipation of , or as a result of , receiving a project grant ) to advising on precise requirements of order forms , the need to " weed " old stock to make space for the new acquisitions , and the desirability or updating or devising a new catalogue .
13 He will open a new school hall and plant two oaks to replace trees lost to make way for the new development .
14 The property was demolished in 1869 to make way for the new museum building and the Survey moved to No. 1 India Buildings , Victoria Street , a building still in existence .
15 The houses remained until the early 1950s when they were knocked down to make way for the new church .
16 The bill also dissolved , from December 1992 , the High Commission for the Fight against the Mafia ( which since the early 1980s had had little success ) in order to make way for the new Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate ( DIA ) .
17 This had to be demolished to make way for the new library complex and it was impossible to find alternative accommodation for all the books stored there .
18 More than forty thousand people were moved from the old city centre to make way for the new buildings , but even though stereotyped blocks of flats were put up around the site of the palace and were in many cases completed by the spring of 1988 , they remained empty until after the revolution .
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