Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] for the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The point was that the plaintiffs ' interest in Jarrad exceeded their interest in Jesner , and they contended that the object of Jarrad had been to provide money for the family and not to have its assets syphoned off to prop up Jesner .
2 A constructed exchange control index is used to provide support for the hypothesis that financial deregulation has provided a boost to foreign portfolio investment .
3 Jacques 's visits to the LEAs and branches in the rural eastern counties confirmed his belief that without the continuing presence of high quality resident tutor-organisers in rural areas , few people would be prepared to accept responsibility for the organisation and maintenance of self-directing adult student groups in villages .
4 It is planned to increase funding for the operation and maintenance of roads , and associated bridges , in the 1992-93 financial year by £3.2 million to £65.3 million .
5 It is intended to provide guidance for the chemist or technician in the laboratory .
6 In order to provide evidence for the view that the context can act as a retrieval cue ( or exert conditional control over an association ) , it is necessary , as a first step , to demonstrate context-specificity using the control procedures recommended by Lovibond et al .
7 By the same token , parsley in pots should have a good potting compost , No 2 if John Innes is used ( see page 36 for recipe ) , and at least a 12cm ( 5in ) diameter pot , 15cm ( 6in ) if possible , to provide depth for the tap-root and sufficient food and moisture .
8 She was present at the birth of the Blessed Virgin , who was then given over to her care for twelve years , and at the Visitation and the birth of St John the Baptist and even at the birth of the Saviour , when she was allowed to provide bedding for the Virgin and swathing-clothes for the Child .
9 The client will thus have to approach a firm such as KPMG to obtain authorisation for the advertisement and notification of such authorisation will have to be provided to the publisher .
10 In the meantime , however , the Library continues to exercise responsibility for the property that it occupies and controls .
11 For by seeking to claim credit for the fact that Britain had not imposed a visa regime , Mr Wardle implicitly suggested that such measures obstruct refugees from gaining access to countries where they can seek asylum ( as indeed Amnesty believes they do ) .
12 The young lad took out the large chopper his father used to cleave wood for the fire and chased the bully out of the house and down the street .
13 Where a partner is permitted to work less than full time , this should be set out clearly ; ( b ) the extent to which a partner must not just be available to do work for the firm but is put under some positive obligation to promote the interests of the practice .
14 The Willis Bill , which is due for a second reading in the House of Lords on 6 May , says that anyone who sells , distributes or otherwise manes available am machine capable of reproducing a sound recording or cinematograph film shall be deemed to have authorised infringement of the copyright , in a sound recording or film Although the Bill has little chance of getting any further it will achieve one aim — to generate publicity for the record and film industry 's call for a tax or levy on blank audio and video tape .
15 In modernity , to leave space for the production and reception of heterodoxy , this full correspondence must no longer exist and the habitus becomes differentiated .
16 The review can be used either ( i ) to give judgment for the plaintiff if the district judge thinks fit where the defendant admits the plaintiff 's claim or fails to appear , or ( ii ) to give instructions for the future conduct of the action .
17 If the test proves successful , it may enable physicians to start therapy for the condition before the diabetes causes irreparable damage .
18 Filmmaking is such an enormously complex process that it 's almost impossible for the outsider to apportion blame for the success or failure of a particular project .
19 The depth of the shelf from the wall should be a minimum of 10cm ( 4in ) to allow room for the track and bulk of fabric when the curtains are drawn back .
20 They had contacted selected publishers to seek support for the platform and were forecasting a launch in the autumn with a consumer market focus at a player price of about £250 .
21 Sequent , for instance , has had to develop support for the VMEbus and streamline its memory functions , as well as modifying device drivers , to get NT running .
22 He 's about as likely to have sympathy for the devil as he is to have satisfaction .
23 This shows that Anselm was quite as ready to face exile for the primacy as he had been for obedience to the pope .
24 At the moment it is theoretically possible for a qualified nurse with 20 years ' break in service to be put in charge of an acute ward , and to take responsibility for the management and allocation of staff , even though she may not have any recent or relevant experience .
25 Some shareholders have called on Sir Derek , who masterminded the ISC takeover , to take responsibility for the debacle and resign .
26 It should have powers to order compensation for the public and add an office in Scotland to look after Scottish complaints .
27 So as you come in raise the daggerboard , lift the rudder and then when you come into shallow water , turn the boat up towards the wind to lose power for the sail and stop before you hit those rocks .
28 Mr. Secretary Hunt , supported by Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. David Mellor , Sir Wyn Roberts and Mr. Nicholas Bennett , presented a Bill to provide for the construction by the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation of a barrage across the mouth of Cardiff Bay with an outer harbour and of a tidal lagoon and for related works ; to make provision for the acquisition and use of land for the works ; to make provision about the operation and management of the barrage , the outer harbour , the water impounded by the barrage and the lagoon ; to make provision for dealing with property damage resulting from any alteration of groundwater levels which may occur in consequence of the construction of the barrage ; to enable other protective provisions to be made ; and for connected purposes : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
29 The greatest joy was to make camp for the night and savour the smell from the cooks ' fires as supper was prepared .
30 In 1954 the breed 's South African journal made the point that wool farmers wanted a breed of cattle that needed no coddling to produce milk for the house and top-price slaughter oxen whose main role was to keep the veld short for sheep , while the mixed grass veld farmer wanted a good cream cheque , a bullock to work and a profitable steer which could be fed on surplus grain .
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