Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the first place , to treat presence of the other party within England and Wales as the factor which determines whether a transaction is within the ambit of the sections would be to adopt a criterion which would be capricious in the extreme .
2 The Dnestr region , however , in the east of Moldava , with a population of 700,000 mainly Russian speakers , which had been a part of Ukraine before it was incorporated into the Moldavan territory annexed by Stalin from Romania in 1940 , declared its wish to remain part of the Soviet Union .
3 A married man living with his wife may also be able to claim part of the married couple 's allowance .
4 In the Second World War it was protected by the government which , in order to preserve part of the national heritage , transferred a group of White Parks to the famous King Ranch in Texas , USA .
5 James Williamson and Partners as the employer was prepared to meet part of the extra travel costs .
6 The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing .
7 When the messenger arrived to inform Drake of the possible invasion , the old sea dog announced he would finish his game of bowls , then he would finish off the Spanish .
8 However , over the past five years , a new industry has developed that makes and markets machines whose purpose and promise is that they can outthink humans in an arena traditionally thought to demand reasoning of the highest sort .
9 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
10 For those entries indicated , hyphen signs may also be used immediately after closing square brackets to indicate continuation of the same entry on the next line .
11 Pat Devine , secretary of the NUWM , summed up the whole Communist objection to ILP concept of the United Front as meaning a formal alliance between groups .
12 Of course , the desire to obtain control of the written word has always been one indication of the autocratic mind .
13 The Commission could have put forward the first of these amendments separately from the Fifth Directive , and may have chosen its course in order to revive consideration of the Fifth Directive as a whole .
14 Despite his decreased speed , he had to squint against the onrush of the slipstream buffeting through the ragged hole before him , in order to catch sight of the other car .
15 Where we are reimbursing another insurance company in respect of their outlay it is not necessary to obtain sight of the original invoice .
16 Answer guide : This is intended to encourage discussion of the economic climate , the market for the goods produced , competition etc .
17 There is no pill of which we are aware that can be relied upon to promote adjustment of the internal clock .
18 Owner Joanne Willies-Williams , 44 , has applied to open part of the Victorian folly as a museum for stuffed animals called Get Stuffed .
19 A June symposium at The Asia Society emphasised the need to coordinate direction of the international effort .
20 Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are expected to cause cooling of the lower stratosphere .
21 The campaign to open membership of the British Association of Social Workers to non-qualified staff is being stepped up in preparation for a renewed debate on the issue at the association 's annual general meeting in Birmingham .
22 The next question is what this decision would mean for Britain 's aspiration to regain membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
23 This suggests that some change occurred specifically in the P3/NS cell line to activate transcription of the Oct-11 gene .
24 In the public life of the former colonial power they found it gratifying to urge hatred of the alien race and of political liberalism alike .
25 Like the old saying that success has many fathers , but failure has none , nobody is prepared to claim parenthood of the old rating system .
26 However , the SPD ( which was to decide in mid-November on whether to support amendment of the Basic Law as proposed in August 1992 — see p. 39066 ) boycotted the vote and the motion thus failed to win the required two-thirds majority of members .
27 Where there is sharp angulation of the CBD , the upper part of the stent should be 1 cm above or 1 cm below the angulation , but not at the point of angulation itself , to avoid impaction of the metallic mesh in the CBD wall and possibly further impaired drainage .
28 Many visitors naturally come to walk part of the 180-mile coast path which meanders around the peninsula , threading past high clifftops and dropping into a succession of sandy beaches , rocky coves and inlets .
29 The harvested roots are bulky and heavy to transport and they must be crushed within a few hours after harvest to avoid loss of the sugary Juice .
30 Have regard to the workload and the pressures on professional colleagues and subordinates and take appropriate action if these are seen to be such as to constitute abuse of the individual practitioner and/or to jeopardise safe standards of practice .
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