Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] at [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
2 LITHUANIA 'S leader , Mr Algirdas Brazauskas , yesterday called for a united front to establish statehood at the opening of a crucial congress of the republic 's Communist Party .
3 In this view it is quite natural to find purposiveness at the level of the neurone or of the gene .
4 Brick-making was expanded in country market towns to provide employment at a time of decline in the need for farm labourers .
5 A duty to provide accommodation at the inn without prior contract to any traveller seeking accommodation .
6 As 30 per cent of YTS graduates fail to find employment at the end of their course it is crucial to understand which groups are able to use the YTS to gain a foothold in the labour market , and those which are unsuccessful .
7 If you happen to do a tour of the caddies ' pubs in Southport , Lancashire you are likely to stand shoulder-to-shoulder at the bar with four men who have carried the bags in no less than eleven British Open Championship victories .
8 FOR months now I have been trying to contain excitement at the thought of the compact disc .
9 Freeze provides the ability to stop a session in order to obtain further input data/information or process a higher priority enquiry and then to re-commence session at the point of interrupt .
10 By a letter dated 7 March 1983 the plaintiff formally appointed the defendants as agents to sell Caliban at a price of $3.5m. or such sum as the plaintiff might agree to accept , the defendants to be paid a commission of 5 per cent .
11 I 'm just about due to cause havoc at a meeting of the passenger Health and Safety Committee anyway . ’
12 From Corran , it is possible to reach Kinlochhourn at the head of the loch by a footpath climbing around the steep hill rising behind .
13 In 1899 he extended his earlier theory to wave behaviour at the interface between two different types of rock .
14 Alan 's trip to America 16 years ago was to receive treatment at the Institute of Human Potential in Philadelphia .
15 Accordingly , the programme was designed so that it could be modified in the light of experience , and families could choose to discontinue investigation at every stage from the initial screening test to the confirmed diagnosis .
16 I 'm at the moment chairing a university working party on sexual harassment erm and what this working party erm intends to do is to try to survey experience gathered from the operation of codes and the appointment of people in college with a special responsibility for this sort of thing over the past few years , to see what we can learn from experience , so I 'd want to reserve judgement at the moment on what this committee might recommend is the best way forwards .
17 We write to express astonishment at the standard of writing that has featured in much of your pre-election coverage .
18 By November of the year 655 or 656 — Bede gives 655 ( HE 111 , 24 ) but again this date may need to be emended in the same way as Bede 's other Northumbrian dates ( see Appendix , Fig. 7.3 ) — Penda was able to challenge Oswiu at the battle of the Winwaed with a mighty coalition , for he had spent the intervening thirteen years consolidating his position .
19 Following receipt of a Government letter he had written to express concern at the lack of information and support , to which there had been no reply .
20 The five main party leaders contesting the general election united to express dismay at the breakdown of the Gatt negotiations .
21 But Olten , in common with so many small Swiss towns , has been careful not to buy prosperity at the expense of damage to its character .
22 Finally , to conclude on a healthy note , try to avoid coffee at the end of the meal .
23 The significance of this technique is that it allows the novelist to incorporate metaphor at the level of what is narrated ( fabula ) , not merely at the level of narration ( sjuzet ) , as is more commonly the case .
24 Mainly because erm wires got crossed and er the 's Hall folks want us to go again to do exchange at the end of November , and Well we 'll discuss it a little bit further .
25 When she began to use contraception at the age of 42 she probably did so without her husband 's knowledge , but this would have been difficult for most working class women , given the lack of privacy in their homes .
26 While it takes ingenuity and careful thought it is possible and productive to use drama at the centre of the curriculum , rather than as an occasional extra .
27 ‘ I- want to put appearance at the office before lunch . ’
28 AUSTRALIA 'S world No 4 Chris Robertson , who played in the British Open final at Wembley in April , has been forced to quit squash at the age of 27 with an arthritic hip .
29 The Divisional Court , in holding that the magistrate erred in committing the applicant , also referred to the fact that Price had stated before the magistrate that he would not return to Sweden to give evidence at the trial of the applicant if he was extradited to Sweden .
30 ‘ I had to give evidence at the inquest on the young girl . ’
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