Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed the importance of the correct citing of an author 's spelling is regularly marked by the insertion of sic into a citation by a second author who wishes to disclaim responsibility for an aberrant spelling .
2 So for the time being it would be prudent to treat money as a major variable in our relationship with crime and conformity .
3 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
4 It would appear foolish to confirm existence of a spiritual state .
5 Beto continued the policy but expanded the scope of inmate productivity to include building on a large scale .
6 However , my GCSE courses eventually led me to attend university as a mature student and now I hope to become a solicitor .
7 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
8 We are encouraged to see murder as a particular act involving a very limited range of stereotypical actors , instruments , situations , and motives .
9 The court may , on the application of the bankrupt or a creditor , order the official receiver to suspend action pending a further order of the court ( r 6.34(3) ) .
10 In the first instance , a simple solicitor 's letter may be sufficient to halt the work you wish to stop or to prompt action on a derelict building .
11 This distribution of p53 gene mutation between adenomas and carcinomas mirrors that of chromosome 17p deletion , believed to signal loss of a wild type p53 allele .
12 It is the only personal fellowship in Scottish history backed by industry and provides an excellent opportunity to support research in an underfunded area .
13 We must consider what leads young men — it is predominantly young men — to see crime as a better outlet for their abilities and energies than lawful activity .
14 These include ‘ work simulation ’ for all pupils in S3 , the option to spend a week following a course of their choice and the option to attend college on a regular basis throughout one school term .
15 It did , however , incorporate a decision to promote jute as an environment-friendly product because of its biodegradable qualities .
16 In response the Interior Minister , José Luis Corcuera , on Feb. 24 challenged ETA to suspend violence for a six-month period as proof of its new willingness to talk .
17 The molecular dimensions of a polymer chain in any solvent can be calculated directly from light scattering measurements , using equation ( 9.36 ) , if the coil is large enough to scatter light in an asymmetric manner , but when the chain is too short to be measured accurately in this way an alternative technique has to be used .
18 HMI pointed out that the arrangements for choice meant that by the mid-point of the third year , some youngsters had decided to discontinue study of a particular subject — at a point only three-fifths of the way through what was presumably a coherently planned five-year course .
19 The left hemifield advantage reported by Kimura ( 1966 ) for the enumeration of dots was subsequently extended to include localisation of a single dot presented in any one of 25 different spatial positions ( see also Bryden , 1976 ) .
20 Senator Ted Kennedy revealed yesterday that he is to wed lawyer Victoria who 's father is to stand trial over an alleged fraud .
21 In an unprecedented action , the army , on its own initiative , had arrested the seven on Aug. 15 to stand trial before a military court .
22 Following modifications to the penal code in the wake of Sendero 's July offensive in Lima [ see p. 39002 ] , those arrested for terrorism were now considered " traitors to the fatherland " and had to stand trial before a military court .
23 ‘ Publication ’ is increasingly important , not just to secure advancement in an individual academic 's career , but as a sign of an institution 's status .
24 Scrutinise and add up are clear semantic constituents , so the parallelism is sufficient to establish foot as a semantic constituent too :
25 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
26 The aim of a letter before action ( LBA ) is to obtain payment from a slow payer without recourse to court proceedings .
27 In particular , the operation of the Social Fund — a benefit offered as a loan — often calls for social workers to provide support for a particular case , given the limited budget of the fund and the rationing that must be applied as a result .
28 In spite of not being able to find support for an affirmative answer to the question , ‘ Are there logical conditions of something 's looking blue to someone ? ’ in what Wittgenstein says , and not accepting what would be Mill 's reason for an affirmative answer , I think an affirmative answer is the right answer .
29 You should be a T'ang , Ben Shepherd , for you 'll find it hard to pass muster as a simple man .
30 It sets one hesitating between general admiration and the attempt to give point to frontality or some such term : anything to obtain leverage on a narrative mode which sweeps up event and idea , fictional past and stream-ofconsciousness present , into a single impulse of this immediacy and power .
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