Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bored stiff by him , I paid little attention : he retaliated by having me birched for idleness on three occasions , but these attempts to drive Latin into me from the wrong end proved equally unproductive .
2 Home Assist gives you rapid access on a 24 hour basis to first class tradesmen and repairers to provide assistance to you in the event of an emergency which results in loss or damage to your home .
3 Then the dream suddenly changes to nightmare when you hear voices say that they wo n't be able to look after your health because you 're not really worth it : that the treatment you need is not cheap enough so you 'll have to do without : that they would love to provide care for you in the community , but the price is n't right .
4 The story of how Meehan and his advisors tried and failed during the next seven years to obtain justice for him in the light of increasing evidence of his innocence and Waddell 's guilt makes sorry reading .
5 I want to drink tea with you at the Samoyovska Hotel in Kiev , and vodka with you in the evening in a place where they used to play gypsy music when I was a student .
6 Computer systems should be able to recognise these people and to restrict communication with them to the minimum .
7 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
8 I remember occasionally , very occasionally , he used to play cricket with me on the lawn .
9 ‘ And if I had to put money on it at the moment then I would back Arsenal to win the title . ’
10 If it had done so , and had included among such grounds the case where the company had been formed with the purpose of defrauding creditors … the Spanish court would have been entitled to give effect to it notwithstanding the terms of the Directive ( p 32 ) .
11 The next issue of Leads is scheduled for January 1990 and the copy deadline for you to submit information to us for the back page is 15 December 1989 .
12 Such a valuation is , in any event , required by the building society to ensure compliance with the criteria of prudent management set out in section 45 and by the directors of the building society to ensure compliance by them of the duties imposed by section 13 .
13 I had invited Tom to have lunch with me in the canteen .
14 ‘ I 've been trying to get hold of you for the past half-hour ! ’
15 I 've been trying to get hold of you for the past two hours ! ’ the man exclaimed harshly as he stared down at Laura , who was gazing back at him as though she 'd seen a ghost .
16 They had to break away encrusted ice from the beast 's muzzles and try to rub warmth into them in the lee of a blunt hill .
17 She was wearing trousers and as she kept her feet on the ground she felt reasonably secure , at least ; she kept her toes on the ground and spent a rather hilarious time trying to get control of it in the courtyard , her attempts bringing Marguerite out with words of advice and wide smiles .
18 On the way back to class I invited Méli to have dinner with me in the village the next day .
19 ‘ Allocate a man to take care of him for the next few days until his tutor , T'ai Cho , joins him . ’
20 The idea , however , that the rebels aimed to kill the King is unlikely — not only did the rebels show a positive loyalty to him at Mile End and Smithfield , and adopt as a watchword ‘ King Richard and the True Commons ’ , but they made no attempt to take vengeance on him for the death of Wat Tyler , when he could have been at their mercy .
21 However , since Brezhnev 's proposals for the Gulf were linked to the broader issue of the Indian Ocean ‘ zone of peace ’ Soviet officials still made an effort to gain support for them from the Indian Ocean Third World states and the non-aligned nations in general .
22 Please do not hesitate to make contact with me in the event that this letter leaves unanswered any questions you might have .
23 He had a poor opinion of the utility of book-learning to the Masai , and it was no doubt in part due to his influence that nothing was done in Tanganyika to bring education to them till the 1930s , whereas the first government school was opened in Kenya Masailand in 1921 .
24 Her mind slid over this problem and rejected it , her thoughts returning to memories of Johnny as he had been when he had attempted to make love to her on the previous night .
25 Sure , I do n't expect you to make love to me in the corridor , but even when we were alone you practically ignored me ! ’
26 ‘ And when I kissed you it rushed through me , waves of it ; I could barely restrain myself , thought I was going to make love to you on the spot .
27 Forming the intention to adopt beliefs only when they correspond to reality postpones the settlement of belief : we are forced to adopt rules which , while they are guaranteed to reveal reality to us in the long run , are not guaranteed to do so in the short run .
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