Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 He was also unhappy about Pound 's own obstinacy and arrogance in the matter of his eventual release ; he was raising objections to schemes that seemed perfectly sound and , as Eliot told his daughter , " I fear your father does not want to accept freedom on any terms that are possible " .
2 Broadly speaking , it is easier to obtain funding for explanatory research that seems to provide guidance to policy-makers than for purely academic research , and for research that is statistically based than for research that is more qualitative in its approach .
3 In order to set any lingering doubts about pro-nuclear bias at rest , the CEGB will therefore have to provide justification for some assumptions that are , at present , not transparent .
4 The International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation , Intelsat , owned by some 120 nations worldwide , is under such pressure to increase capacity that for the first time , it is to lease capacity on three satellites that it does not own .
5 It was to celebrate recovery from this illness that he wrote his Hymn to the Supreme Being , on Recovery from a dangerous fit of Illness .
6 Thank you Chairman , erm I 'm delighted to be the last person to present a set of budget proposals as it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to some facts that seems to have been overlooked by the representatives of the other two groups .
7 Nothing can excuse a teacher of history who fails to draw attention to local things that are of historical importance .
8 I know that whenever I 've tried to put paint on any cars that we 've ever had , it 's never looked right has it ?
9 It is a good practice for a member to give notice at one meeting that he wishes to discuss a certain matter at the next meeting .
10 The aid would come mainly through training schemes that channel to Third World engineers knowledge about , for instance , how to use imagery from remote-sensing satellites that scan the land and oceans .
11 Then he has to seek agreement from all groups that the force can actually operate .
12 Here you will not get a test , but they will often want to see proof of any qualifications that you may have .
13 According to analysts , Souto had been forced to take responsibility for recent revelations that several high-ranking officers were deeply implicated in a vast network dealing in stolen cars from Brazil and Argentina , most of which were being passed on for sale in Bolivia .
14 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
15 We are , however , well positioned to take advantage of any opportunities that might arise to develop our various businesses during the coming year and can continue to look forward to the future with some confidence .
16 Principally there were at that time other interested parties in the premises er and also erm Mr saw it as essential er that er they were in and running the business er well before the time of the Christmas trade which was rapidly approaching then , then it being late August and er he wanted to make sure that they were in in in time for them to be able to take advantage of those bookings that they anticipated .
17 To process the order , the company would have to take labour off current projects that have been costed to yield a contribution of £5/hr .
18 A Bill , which would allow companies to charge interest on commercial debts that remain unsettled after 30 days , has received its second Reading .
19 The English Copernican John Wilkins also found it necessary to revise concepts of biblical authority in order to make room for scientific propositions that seemed at odds with the plain meaning of Scripture .
20 Alternatively , it may be resource-seeking , in the sense that it wishes to gain access to raw materials that are not readily available without investment .
21 Utilising electronic organisation and desktop publishing will allow students to gain familiarity with current systems that can directly affect overall cost effectiveness of a solution ; as well as providing the opportunity for evaluating the effectiveness of new technology , its commercial viability and its impact on the visual communication of information .
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