Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The convent wanted to sell part of the grounds for development ; the local council was sympathetic while being the first to recognize the importance of the garden .
2 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
3 Instead , the government intends to resist pressure from the unions for a freeze , and separate suggestions for a generalised rationing system .
4 This might be taken to imply that the surgery had prevented one side of the brain from attempting to assume control of the mechanisms for speech output .
5 By the early nineteenth century even an Anglican clergyman was prepared to give credit to the Methodists for the fact that in Cornwall there were no more " desperate wrestling matches … and inhuman cockfights " and fewer " riotous revellings " .
6 Scott 's appointment could be easily justified on the grounds of his qualifications alone , but the attempt by the Select Committee to make something of the competition results only serves to cast doubt on the reasons for the appointment .
7 McLaren 's conviction that Branson wanted revenge , to find a way to seize control of the Pistols for good , ‘ and cut me off at the pass ’ , now became an obsession .
8 This is to keep sight of the positives for so often professionals working with very vulnerable elderly people focus on the pathology and forget what the client may have going for her/him .
9 3.5 With effect from carrying out the Tenant 's Works in accordance with clause 3.7 and thereafter to commence business at the Premises for the purpose permitted by the Lease
10 When a researcher is investigating an institution of some kind , it is usually necessary to get permission from the authorities for the work to be done .
11 New divorce legislation reported on Dec. 9 was said to grant unprecedented rights to women , allowing divorcees to seek compensation through the courts for housework which husbands had ordered them to do during the marriage .
12 On 26th April , it declined to offer evidence on the charges for the remaining third murder and they , too , were dropped without publicity .
13 In an atmosphere of such buoyancy the dealers are obliged to cut margins and try to survive competition from the opportunists for whom the fax boom is simply the latest in a long line of nice little short-term earners , such as double-glazing and car phones .
14 to take responsibility for the arrangements for punishment in the community and providing services through contracts with other organisations .
15 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
16 War production — the very continuance of the war itself — depended on civilian morale ; morale determined the need to take account of the blueprints for the future which had been articulated before the war began .
17 They had to be disposed of quickly to make room in the depôts for the new cars on order to work on the main line .
18 Memoirs based on diaries , or the autobiography itself , enable the writer to make use of the diaries for the basic pattern of events , but by adding hindsight to the diaries a much fuller and perhaps more plausible or self-justifying record can be written .
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