Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To simplify preparation of the accounts the parties may agree it appropriate for the completion date to be at the end of a month .
2 Unions pleaded for all shipyards to boycott work on the frigates the government is threatening to move from Swan Hunter .
3 Our approach is to promote awareness of the duties the Regulations impose .
4 Those who benefited from improved earnings , however , were not the rural poor , but the farmers who were able to take advantage of the opportunities the Green Revolution had to offer .
5 This was duly installed in the turbine house with an air line running up the hill and was programmed to blow air under the leaves every so often .
6 Rather , the decks have to be cleared on the domestic front to make room for the games the players want to play in .
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