Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Also , it is quite difficult to impart hook or slice spin to a wet ball .
2 Such bodies are needed to break up centralized power to encourage participation and restore morale to ordinary people by convincing them that they do count , that they are listened to and that they can participate .
3 Water supply to the fields may be high on the list , although it is generally possible , if laborious , to carry water or move stock to it .
4 Full-time student officers are available to give advice and make representation to the University on behalf of members .
5 Full-time student officers are available to give advice and make representation to the University on behalf of members .
6 These enable skin to hold water and give cohesion to the dead surface skin cells , providing a flat , luminous effect .
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