Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation , Intelsat , owned by some 120 nations worldwide , is under such pressure to increase capacity that for the first time , it is to lease capacity on three satellites that it does not own .
2 The civil service provides its staff with fewer incentives to encourage efficiency than in the private sector ( where bonus , commissions , ‘ perks ’ etc. are often widespread ) , a position unlikely to be altered much by limited experimentation with merit pay and the like .
3 The auditing profession er argues , and I must say the audit practice board 's er er proposals are very , for very passive auditing , the audit profession argues that it 's difficult to detect fraud but on the other hand er the local government er act er local government finance act of nineteen eighty two requires local authority auditors to have er er er a duty to search for unlawful acts and report on them .
4 The frequency of gastrointestinal symptoms was compared in infected and non-infected patients at stage IV ( Figure ) ; earlier stages were excluded to avoid bias because of the small proportion of infected patients at stages II/III .
5 Wartime conditions had robbed players of the incentive to win promotion because of the uncertain future of League football , and caused a sharp fall in gates which made it virtually impossible to spend money on improving the team .
6 The Kremlin was also anxious to avoid involvement because of the potential loss of face if the USSR 's inability to send conventional military support to a friendly country undergoing a successful US action were to be made manifest .
7 ‘ We do send crime prevention officers to halls of residence to give advice but at the same time we do not want to alarm them as the number of street offences is not increasingly dramatically . ’
8 The 1947 Act permitted , not required , air pollution control districts to be set up and it introduced a programme to control pollution but at the same time keep industry in business as usual .
9 We do not need to raise VAT and in the European Community we have fought harder than anyone could have done to maintain our zero rate .
10 At 1 p.m. it rode round Madrid with the other Councils in full dress to restore order and in the following days it co-operated with the French authorities in the collection of arms .
11 Around 3,000 runners all told are expected to take part and for the serious athletes , there will be a bonus of £50 ( male and female ) for record breakers … men 64.10 and women 76.38 .
12 One of its senior men recorded in a memo that an official of the Northern Ireland office emphasised to him that the Housing Executive had to do everything possible to prevent unemployment because of the political situation .
13 Adherents to such faiths are small in number in the United States , and insufficiently substantial to achieve non-ratification because of the direct influence .
14 In other cases it may be difficult to guarantee effectiveness because of the uncertain state of the relevant law .
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