Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since then I have always followed the fortunes of Preston and am saddened to see them languishing in the lower divisions .
2 They really are a very vibrant organization , and er , I think we really would wish them well , and , and very pleasing to see them adapting to the new circumstances .
3 There may be some delays , because we have to process them according to the normal procedures , but there will not be any undue delays .
4 He was surprised therefore , after drawing his gun and edging out carefully , to find himself standing in the deserted mortuary room where he had introduced the three travellers to Howard .
5 The last time she had woken from sleep it had been to find herself looking into the blue eyes of a dangerous enemy ; now the enemy was a friend .
6 She was surprised to find it rising for the third time , but though it hardened she knew it would take an age to bring it to orgasm .
7 Earlier we find little trace of it generally , and so we ought not to be surprised to find it missing from the ordinary Person 's consciousness of time in those days .
8 Shipmasters long ago found that their societies are never likely to help them owing to the inevitable scattering of members and the indifference which distance begets .
9 Huy tried to imagine her going through the simple ceremony with someone else , and could not .
10 These provisions gave rise to uncertainty largely because the courts showed a marked reluctance to interpret them according to the ordinary meaning of such words as ‘ void , and they also gave rise to injustice because under the Common Law an infant could still sue an adult upon a contract unenforceable against himself and incapable of ratification by him .
11 Once into the trees , they lost sight of the sun and the sky and had to rely on the compass to keep them heading in the right direction .
12 He believes — as any political leader must believe , to keep himself going through the grinding work of electioneering — that victory is out there , but that the voters are making the Tories work hard for it .
13 While there are few hard and fast rules about what is precisely right to wear at the office this season , there are some pointers to keep you heading in the right direction .
14 While there are few hard and fast rules about what is precisely right to wear at the office this season , there are some pointers to keep you heading in the right direction .
15 The force knows exactly how much harder it has to pull on the big one to keep it going in the same circle .
16 Unable to sleep he had drawn back the front flaps of his hut to watch the spectacular storm and had been startled to see her dashing across the flooded clearing in the glare of the lightning flashes .
17 You see my brother Joe is wrong , he should have , he 's a workaholic , and they 're doing sixteen hours a day and they 're working , can you imagine , and I mean my youngest brother Brad who 's working with him said er Joe do n't stop , a week , no a fortnight la , a fortnight last Sunday they had to put a not air conditioning yeah it is air conditioning unit in Smith 's in Staines and they had to whatever happens they had to get it working for the next day , it 's got to be in and working and they worked all day , my brother , my eldest brother Derek weld it for nine hours non stop , to the point where Brad our , my younger brother and Joe had
18 Er , to say nothing referring to the Registered Disabled and any positive er encouragement taken on .
19 She stumbled on the steady stone of the platform , and put a hand out to stop herself slamming into the curved wall .
20 Endill watched Tock make a hole in the wall , holding his hammer with both hands to stop it banging in the wrong place .
21 Since the downfall of military regimes in South America and elsewhere provide clear evidence that no political structure relying solely on coercion can hope to survive for long , we should not be surprised to find that the most effective form of social control involves attempts not to crush opposition but to stop it arising in the first place : that is , by the control of people 's ideas , rather than of their actions .
22 But perhaps a better title might be how to prevent things going wrong , on the argument you know that prevention is better than cure and rather than trying to put problems right which have already happened , it might be better to try to prevent them happening in the first place .
23 This non-drying adhesive stays very sticky for months and can be squeezed out onto a strip of tape around benches , staging , individual pots , or even across doorways to prevent them walking in the first place .
24 Providing authorities/hospitals would be paid for cases treated either on the basis of actual cost per case , or on some laid-down or agreed cost per case , and there seems little to prevent them behaving in the same manner as hospitals elsewhere where either ‘ Retrospective full cost reimbursement ’ or ‘ Prospective reimbursement ’ systems are in operation .
25 Liverpool 's defeat , which threatens to prevent them finishing in the top five for the first time since their initial season back in the First Division 30 years ago , was again due to the unpredictable goalkeeping of Grobbelaar .
26 Would I be tough and wise-cracking at the end , or would they have to drag me screaming through the last door like a jelly-livered rat ?
27 Filling the pipe with sand will help to prevent it breaking in the wrong place .
28 Get the wing-tip holder to keep the down wind wing-tip high and apply a little aileron to prevent it falling during the first part of the take-off run .
29 They went in single file , stooping frequently , clutching a handrope to prevent themselves slipping on the wet stones underfoot , exchanging brief whispers of warning to each other to beware of pothole here or a slimy boulder there .
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