Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 " You have come here chiefly to hunt the rare wild animals in our jungles so that the people of America will be able to see them on display in the Sherman Museum in Washington .
2 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
3 This seems eminently reasonable , quite apart from its association with the Spinozist idea that all motivation is the attempt of a personal essence to keep itself in actuality in the fullest possible way .
4 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
5 Added to this was the waxing of the fuselage interior to protect it from corrosion in the future .
6 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
7 Recently , and at vast expense , Loch Ken has been revitalised and restocked , because it had become fishless ; and there is evidence that many other lochs , surrounded by conifer plantations , will need similar treatment to save them from ruin in the foreseeable future .
8 So far , she 'd done the absolute minimum necessary to allow herself to camp in the house overnight .
9 ANOTHER former employee of Mrs Winnie Mandela has said he lied in court to save her from implication in the murder of Stompie Moeketsi .
10 A WOUNDED British woman told yesterday how her lover gave his own life to save her from death in the claws of a crazed grizzly bear .
11 With him Ritz brought Escoffier to supervise the kitchens , and Echenard , proprietor of the famous Hotel du Louvre , Marseille , to assist him as manager in the restaurant — a formidable combination indeed ; no wonder the Savoy soon became the favourite haunt of stage celebrities , industrial magnates , Indian princes ( there was a well-known curry cook attached to the Savoy kitchens ) and , in fact , of all classes of the rich , the great , the greedy .
12 If you 're having trouble with your wrestler , and want to change him during play in the survivor series , the secret is to press Select once the bout has begun .
13 Although the Chevalier de Boufflers was highly successful , with fifteen editions published , her attempt to place it in context in The French Revolution was harshly treated by some historians .
14 A final tip — be sure to take plenty of cash in the three currencies you 'll need .
15 ‘ I think Norman Lamont has probably got to say something about ACT in the Budget .
16 A bus used to take us to school in the Ajami area of Jaffa but there was no school that day and I was pleased .
17 Yeltsin told an enthusiastic joint session of Congress on June 17 that " communism is dead " , inviting the people of the USA " to join us in partnership in the name of the worldwide triumph of democracy " and appealing for massive economic aid .
18 She was too awed to notice anything but passion in the voice .
19 No bad way , Spruce reflected , to prepare them for life in the modem , dangerous world .
20 In their place , he has advocated a more activist government role in the economy , by increasing public works spending , cutting middle-class taxes and retraining workers to prepare them for competition in the global marketplace .
21 The Supreme Court ruled on June 15 that the US government could legally abduct people from foreign countries in order to bring them to trial in the USA .
22 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
23 Getting a six foot six quilted rug in a domestic washing machine is often impossible ; the only answer is to wash it by hand in the bath ) and hope that you can clean it out before the rest of the family notice ) or find a launderette that will accept horse rugs .
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