Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " You have come here chiefly to hunt the rare wild animals in our jungles so that the people of America will be able to see them on display in the Sherman Museum in Washington .
2 One day they were told that a police officer wished to see them in connection with the charges already preferred .
3 A twenty four year old woman came to see me for treatment on the ward , a smoker .
4 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
5 Since Leopold ruled a small State and had neither fears nor ambitions so far as territorial changes were concerned ( he wished to establish the perpetual neutrality of the Grand Duchy as a tradition of European diplomacy , to give it more or less the status which Switzerland was to enjoy in the following century ) he was able to accept radical ideas and even try to realize them in practice in a way quite impossible to Frederick II or Catherine II .
6 In developing a critique of scientism ( which Habermas regards Knowledge and Human Interests to be ) he is not rejecting the epistemological validity of the nomological sciences or the hermeneutic sciences but is trying to orient them in relation to the critical sciences .
7 In return for the aid , the Bulgarian authorities have agreed to close down the plant 's four 440-megawatt pressurized water reactors , which lack containment facilities to enclose them in case of an accident , as soon as financially possible , perhaps by 1998 .
8 Vivien had some friends still up at Oxford and had arranged to meet them for lunch at the Randolph Hotel .
9 Finally they seemed to accept me as part of the landscape and came within the range of my camera .
10 Since the other Nematodirus species do not have such critical hatching requirements , a sudden flush of L3 does not occur and although N. filicollis , N. spathiger and N. helvetianus have all been associated with outbreaks of nematodiriasis in sheep and cattle , it is more common to find them in conjunction with the other trichostrongyles .
11 For a start , the Democratic leadership capitulated rather easily ; the 1980 election results appeared to frighten them into cooperation with the president .
12 With increasing demands on caterers to provide top quality food quickly and efficiently , chefs are turning to well-established equipment manufacturers to provide them with state of the art equipment which will make their job easier .
13 But the more people who obtain post-school education , the less likely it is to provide them with entry to a career .
14 An important role of the office is to alert researchers in UK higher education establishments to the opportunities available , and to provide them with advice on the programme most relevant to their research needs .
15 Council Courier continued to be circulated to regions and branches to inform them without delay of the decisions of Council .
16 One youth told of emerging from a drunken stupor to find himself in bed with the boy next door .
17 The new President 's foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor , so Mr Major is likely to find himself in accord with the White House on practically every external policy .
18 Remember that it is better to kill the reader with kindness by selecting information for him than to batter him to death in a flurry of factual blows !
19 Mr Craxi , who had been unchallenged party leader for 16 years , four of them as prime minister , resigned on Thursday as judges moved to prosecute him in connection with a corruption scandal .
20 That failing , there can be a conveyance between the husband and wife , to which the first mortgagee is a party , to release the husband from liability under the first mortgage and take a covenant to observe and perform the same from the wife who will also covenant with the husband to indemnify him in respect of the second mortgage .
21 The first part of the provision may not therefore be wholly effective in any event and the question is whether the tenant is prepared to accept it in return for a concession from the landlord elsewhere in the lease .
22 We have not yet reached the point at which mere characterisation of a claim as a claim in public law is sufficient to exclude it from consideration by the ordinary courts : to permit this would be to create a dual system of law with the rigidity and procedural hardship for plaintiffs which it was the purpose of the recent reforms to remove : ’ Davy v. Spelthorne Borough Council [ 1984 ] A.C. 262 , 276 , per Lord Wilberforce .
23 Sociobiologists are liable to find themselves in confrontation with the cultural and social anthropologists because they are specially concerned with interactions ( especially mating behaviour ) between individual animals which are closely related biologically .
24 People who skip breakfast work less efficiently than people who have taken the trouble to provide themselves with fuel for the morning .
25 Without perceptual systems to provide us with knowledge of the outside world we are impotent .
26 He finally agreed to meet us for lunch at the Mayflower Hotel , but nothing happened between them .
27 He became desperate and was willing to try anything in search for a solution to his problem .
28 I have around 15 more good years ahead of me , but I fail to see plenty of room at the top for women like me .
29 Once again , the male homosexual is someone who refuses to risk himself in relation to the other , but now the risk is not in relation to the opposite sex ( as in Scruton and Mailer ) , but to the same sex as rival .
30 ‘ He seemed ’ , wrote his early biographer Anthony Sampson , ‘ to see himself as part of a fashionable play . ’
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