Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [adj] the time " in BNC.

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1 Erm have to work it out all the time , this is erm this is one to two hundred and fifty thousand .
2 This does not mean we have to put ourselves down all the time : this would just be false humility , which is another subtle form of pride .
3 The perfectionist who announces ‘ I avoid nothing because of anxiety ’ is again fooling him/herself as they strive to do everything perfectly all the time , because not to do so creates anxiety .
4 You know you used to put it out all the time . .
5 You know we have to fight them off all the time .
6 ‘ Our side is n't the type you could send out every week with instructions just to knock it long all the time .
7 was patting her back , trying to wake her up all the time
8 is it , ah , they used to be su , according to everyone he was such a so and so , he er , he 's , he used to be barmy , he was like the clo , close barmy man and he used to like chase people around with bricks and stuff and everyone used to hate him and like Julian and Andy used to beat him up all the time
9 ‘ It 's just that I get real fed up with bozos like you trying to rip me off all the time .
10 The world was quite difficult enough as it was without people going around trying to make it better all the time .
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