Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I had not kept my old key , because I had hoped that my association with Cutwater Charters was done , so I was forced to carry my heavy pack into the tangle of dark alleys that lay behind the straw market and where I planned to find Ellen and borrow her key .
2 I know I 'd love to see my real name on the spine of a book . ’
3 When I was ten years old I was taken by my parents to see my first play at the Royal Theatre .
4 It was said there were some 40,000 Chinese in Chinatown , and I gravitated there to indulge my long-time love of the Orient .
5 I ask him to meet me that evening at the Three Pigeons .
6 I have tried to establish my own territory in the attic , outside the country of my ancestors .
7 Aunt Kit never wrote , it would have shamed her to write my married name on the envelope , but she knitted for the baby , strange , holey garments that stretched to a huge size when I washed them , big enough for a prize boxer .
8 I give thanks to the Lord that he has seen fit now to bless my long devotion to the wind .
9 This was not how I wished to catch my first sight of the fabled city of Lazarillo de Tormes and of Gil Blas , who in Le Sage 's novel made the journey to Salamanca only from Oviedo in the north .
10 That acquisition could have scuppered the whole effort , given AT&T 's long-standing efforts to establish its own Tuxedo as the de-facto standard for Unix TP .
11 Thirdly , the rulers of new nations , by whatever means they attained power , had to consolidate their central control over the society and reinforce the sense of national identity .
12 The British were determined to consolidate their own control over the country and in 1919 they imposed an Anglo-Persian treaty that virtually made Iran a British protectorate .
13 Unlike the earlier horders who crossed the Julian region to descend upon the rich plains of Venetia , the Lombards settled , and fortified the passes through which they had invaded , to secure their eastern boundary against the infiltration of further invaders .
14 ( Slide borrowers may wish to write their own description on the mount at their own discretion . )
15 The restless indifferent force of human energy , responsible alike for beauty and ugliness , comedy and tragedy , saintliness and crime , had to find its own level inside the wire .
16 It is their commitment which has enabled the Trust to provide its unique contribution to the industry .
17 She had to find her own way to the bathroom and was pleased with herself for so quickly remembering that it lay at the end of the passage .
18 Las Palmas is a busy commercial harbour so the movement of small boats is largely ignored , and yachts entering or leaving are expected to find their own way through the traffic .
19 One must remember that these were times when each crew had to find their own way to the target , nearly always having to use dead reckoning to do so , and when moonlight or a fortuitous flare might illuminate the target .
20 Normally kidnap victims are simply turned loose in the middle of nowhere and left to find their own way to the nearest house or main road .
21 Until now guests at the new premises on Harewood Hill have had to find their own way to the first floor .
22 These pressures are much greater among the young who are attempting to find their own accommodation for the first time .
23 The company plans to launch its first machine before the end of the year : it will run its Unix UXP/M implementation and can be used with Fortran .
24 ‘ I ca n't believe that a trade union like the NASUWT , let alone the NUT , would wish to put children 's education at risk , would wish to disturb parents , would wish to affect their own professionalism , would wish to diminish their own standing in the eyes of the children that go to their schools . ’
25 He smiled directly at her and she smiled back to hide her slight embarrassment at the sexuality in the comment , knowing that a few weeks earlier she would have blushed at it .
26 Such a political and economic environment had enabled the USA to increase its productive capacity over the previous hundred and fifty years to become the world 's greatest economic power .
27 Teachers may want to use this information for reference in the case of individual pupils with visual defects or to study it in order to increase their general understanding of the implications of visual handicaps in learning .
28 Kelly 's are also planning to increase their existing co-operation with the police and a further meeting is planned this week with Chief Inspector Alan Green of the RUC Drugs Squad .
29 If all industrialized countries were to increase their overseas aid to the 0.7 per cent of GNP recommended by the United Nations , it would cost an extra $50 billion a year .
30 However , Jesus ' free association with the poor and despised should not be interpreted to indicate their automatic admission into the Kingdom by virtue of their downtrodden position in society .
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