Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [noun] and [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ones I 've got at the moment are having a little difficulty in working things out , one does n't realise that it 's not best to try to head the ball back to the goalie when there 's a man breathing down the back of his neck , the other has n't been able to find his brain and the oldest one of the lot is always injured .
2 A dirty rag was used to gag her mouth and a black hood was fastened around her head .
3 Give them a banner to enhance their chances and a good leader , and they can drive a hole right through most normal enemy troops .
4 There is no compulsion for them to vet their staff and no national organisation to control them .
5 No , she agreed to herself , retreating to her bedroom to fetch her shoulder-bag and a light white cotton jacket , it would n't be .
6 The tracker , Tagan , took point , the rain beginning to mist his beard and the black mat of hair that covered his forehead , and they followed on , Fife and Drum looking wet and unenthusiastic already .
7 Following reports in Manchester that the firm had confirmed to Edwards 's satisfaction that Knighton had the £10m to buy his stake and a further £10m to make a formal offer for the rest of the shares , Laing & Cruickshank said : ‘ It is completely untrue that we have given an assurance to anyone .
8 Artemis sat absolutely still in her bath , trying to hear what Rosie and the other maids were saying , but all she could hear were their silly giggles .
9 If anything can be done to trace our cart and the hired horses , well !
10 IT was a mild shock to discover yesterday that St Valentine 's Day is something other than a jolly wheeze fashioned by the greetings card industry to steal our hearts and an unfair proportion of our wages .
11 Our sales staff would be pleased to discuss your requirements and the many new concepts Interglass are working on towards the year 2000 .
12 Around five thousand converged on the Commons to lobby their MPs and the Labour leader sought to step up the pressure on wavering conservatives at a pensioners ' rally .
13 During the last ice age the lowering of the seas allowed rivers to deepen their valleys and the modern seas have invaded these valleys to give flooded plains of brackish water .
14 What comes across is his deep determination to do himself justice and an abiding love of the game .
15 Now , the ball seems to retain its shine and the fast bowlers can use it for lengthier periods . ’
16 Yet Steiger , the bigotted southern sheriff , is at first loathe to enlist his help and the two form a somewhat uneasy alliance .
17 We would like you to use your expectations and the resultant negotiations as a basis for stating some of the objectives you hope to use for direction in your marriage .
18 Theirs is a perfectly good decision that need only become a problem if at a later stage they find that it has become too difficult to share their life and a potential relationship disintegrates through their selfishness .
19 A touch of restraint on his horse 's reins to reduce its gallop and an extravagant sign of the cross were the best amends he could make this time for his inability to comply .
20 It makes it impossible for them to pursue their careers and the average hospital bill that faces them often exceeds $ 100 000 .
21 There was ‘ real interest , some came to join , others to satisfy their curiosity and a few of the very brave to climb the ladder to see the bells . ’
22 I sank to the ground at the base of the heap of pine-needles , relieved that there was no one around to witness my exhaustion and the miserable size of my load .
23 The hugely talented Barnes , who won the last of his paltry eight England caps against Fiji in Suva four years ago , insisted : ‘ I believe I have something to offer my country and the only way to fulfil that ambition is to play my way there .
24 That was followed by an unnecessary operation to remove her appendix and the eventual discovery of a contraceptive device left inside her body by mistake .
25 It was to go into effect at noon on Friday , giving the commanders a chance to disengage their forces and the political leaders 48 hours to work on a settlement .
26 Despite the powerful case which it put forward , the Polytechnic failed to persuade the government to change its mind and the Welsh Office went ahead with its plans to remove teacher-training courses from the Polytechnic .
27 After half an hour in each case , the mother was released to join her infant and the accompanying male .
28 Raking the comb through cropped curls that gleamed like polished mahogany , Polly tried to stifle her doubts and the nagging feeling that somehow she should have known there would be strings attached to Clive 's offer no matter how much he protested otherwise .
29 Because of his considerable talent as a storyteller , Chongo was able to entertain his audience and the same time to encourage it to think about moral problems , sometimes in a new and challenging way .
30 Wittikind , who had not sworn fealty to Charles , had returned from his exile in Denmark to arouse his countrymen and a huge Saxon host had attacked the fort at Karlstadt , taking revenge for the destruction of the sacred Irminsul and Charles ' other ravages of Saxony .
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