Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] him [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He took the girls to the swimming pool after midnight , and then persuaded the victim to come with him to a changing room , on the pretext that the manager of the swimming pool might find them at the pool .
2 When , after a hazardous journey through thickening fog , using only the statutory semi-blacked-out lights , he asked her if she would care to dine with him at a roadhouse not far from their destination , she accepted with alacrity .
3 The floor was so uneven that it was like running through the Crazy Cottage in a funfair ; the building itself seemed to pitch around him like a listing boat .
4 We which I would hope when will itemise the qualities and strengths of the child that you want to cover , like when we do personal statements or joint statements in the tenth and eleventh year that if the form teacher just ca n't write well Fred 's worked very well , he 's done extremely well in English we 'll actually start to talk about him as an individual and his strengths and weaknesses .
5 Pleas for understanding began to pour from him in a stream .
6 Shortly before his death he complained with much justification that his Belgian subjects were refusing to receive from him as a gift benefits which the French were at the same moment extorting from Louis XVI by a great upheaval .
7 She wanted to talk to him in a way she had never wanted to talk to anyone before , but he was next door , not here .
8 In his reply to Coenwulf , the pope refused to countenance the removal of the archbishop of Canterbury to London , but the impact of this papal prohibition was offset by the papal recognition of Eadberht 's earlier ordination and consequent ineligibility for the kingship and permission was given to proceed against him as a pretender to royal power .
9 ‘ I was assigned to look after him for a while , ’ Harvey answered .
10 It began to look to him like a conspiracy .
11 Mr. Mendez seemed to stare at him for a While , thinking or just looking .
12 He was to go down to the Supersight factory for some practice with Harley and was then to go with him to a couple of the Continental tournaments . ’
13 He denied forcing the teenager to go with him in a car and said she had many chances to leave him .
14 The current state of Preston 's finances put taxi rides across London among the long list of temptations he would have to put behind him for a while .
15 I told him I had learnt how to fight against him for a start .
16 And , as Appendix III shows , there 's the additional incentive , for many people , in keeping in with Mr Jones in case times get hard and they have to appeal to him for a loan to tide them over .
17 Will the Secretary of State please ask the chairman of British Rail to report to him as a matter of urgency on the state of British Rail in Wales an on its financing ?
18 But 10 years ago , Gerald Kingsland hit the headlines when he advertised for a woman to live with him on a desert island .
19 I think you might do better to live with him for a while , before you actually tie the nuptial knot with someone who may be borrowing your knickers for the next 60 years .
20 Later , Baxter 's father and step-mother also came to live with him for a time .
21 Later , Baxter 's father and step-mother also came to live with him for a time .
22 The smell of burnt powder seemed to hang around him in a cloud .
23 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
24 The public were urged to think of him as a man whose ‘ gibes and sneers in Nazi propaganda broadcasts against Britain during the war disgusted the British people . ’
25 Although it is impossible to think of him as a Londoner , this move began a lifelong association with the capital to which he returned every year for a few months , even after he had given up all thoughts of making it his permanent home .
26 Hard to think of him as a boy .
27 Alex was a prickly person , an unbalanced person , sometimes an infuriating person , but Charles did n't want to think of him as a murderer .
28 Rees-Mogg went about his business conscientiously and with a good degree of enthusiasm , and while it is hard to think of him as a representative of the common man , sheer assiduousness probably bridged the gulf between the housing estates of suburbia and the Old Rectory , Hinton Blewitt .
29 The only things he does n't like are the narrow ramps on to aeroplanes , so we have to get behind him with a broom .
30 His words combined with Davide 's torpor to close around him like an iron lung , though the sweat brought on by his pace was now increased by terror .
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