Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] her [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ellen offered me a poisonous smile , but I had no time to worry about her distaste for the militaristic para-medic .
2 After the break-up with Hugh she had resolved to concentrate on her career for the next few years .
3 But on another level the linguistic acrobatics which the novel displays provide Mira with verbal strategies that enable her to cope with her fear for the future and her personal situation in the present .
4 She would never again have so much rapt attention focused upon her , and she stood silent , until one lady , younger than most of those present , started to rummage in her handbag for a cigarette .
5 No-one in Vienna knew her or me ; I was to perform on her behalf for the current season .
6 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
7 ‘ One lady invited us to go to her cottage for a holiday .
8 The disgust she felt almost paralysed Comfort for a moment , before she started to fumble in her bag for a handkerchief .
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