Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] a [adj] old [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Madeira , to stand behind a little old peasant lady , dressed in black , in the bank cashing her cheques from family worldwide is quite an experience .
2 ‘ Nor do I wish to sound like a cynical old man .
3 Philip Saunders makes a starker contrast between the limited exposure of currency funds and holdings in shares or unit trusts : ‘ With charges at 4 per cent initially and three-quarters of a point annually for a currency fund , would you pay 6 per cent to go into a plain old unit trust ? ’
4 The crowd at the door parted to let through a gaunt old man wearing the black peci hat , symbol of Indonesian nationalism , faded sarong and a shirt with so many patches that it was hard to tell which was the original material .
5 ‘ He was a middle-aged guy who thought he was coming to read to a sweet old lady , ’ she writes .
6 An animal does indeed strive instinctively to keep alive , much as it will forage for food ( plants in unconscious and less mobile ways do also ) , but , lacking language , it is unduly anthropomorphic to describe this as hoping or aspiring to live to a ripe old age ; except perhaps as a joke .
7 When , in his thirties , he took driving lessons and passed his test Dorothy refused to go out in the car with him : ‘ I intend to live to a ripe old age , thank you very much . ’
8 MEMBERS of the management team at Aberdeen Central Branch have been told to eat less and exercise more if they want to live to a ripe old age !
9 There 's no escape from that if you want to live to a ripe old age .
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