Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [num] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within this poem he clearly attempts to square on the one hand the darker representations of his sleep with his pansocratic visions , on the other hand , Pains of Sleep which was published at the same time as Kubla Khan illuminates the ancestral voices prophesying war .
2 The 7th Earl decided in the early part of the twentieth century to install in the two rooms the panelling and so designed it that there were recesses for pictures .
3 So it 's a kind of a strange argument to suggest on the one hand the Vienna settlement was a factor in in preventing wars between all the great , er major war involving all the great powers .
4 In place of God-consciousness , for which he had little time , he wanted to put on the one hand the revelation made in Jesus and recoverable through the historical study of the New Testament , and on the other the moral and spiritual response to Jesus which issues in Christian living and acting .
5 Similar rules may be constructed to examine the operation of processes of lengthening and rounding so that it is possible ( for example ) to compare in the two communities the distribution of vowel length in four phonetic environments ( see J. Milroy et al.
6 Even if this persuades Congress to agree to the 22 JSTARS the Pentagon wants to buy and also helps the company to export the aircraft , Grumman will still have to cut its workforce further .
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